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Taming the Codebase: Strategies for Refactoring...

October 12, 2024

Taming the Codebase: Strategies for Refactoring Legacy Code


October 12, 2024

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  1. Wir entwickeln Softwarelösungen: Cloud-native Softwareentwicklung Data insights Beratung, Workshops und

    Reviews Wir steigern die Effizienz von IT- Abteilungen: Platform Engineering Cloud Infrastructure Software Modernisierung Was wir machen?
  2. 5 WHAT IS LEGACY CODE? • No longer maintained or

    supported by the original developers. • Code was written in a now-obsolete programming language or for a platform that is no longer in demand. • The code is difficult or very costly to modify. • There are no automated tests or (up-to-date) documentation for the code.
  3. 8 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 1. Rehost (Lift and Shift): •

    Applications are moved to a new infrastructure (often the cloud) without changes to the underlying code. • Pro: Quick and easy to implement, requires no code changes. • Con: Doesn’t fully leverage cloud benefits; can be more expensive and inefficient in the long term.
  4. 9 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 2. Replatform • Minor changes to

    the application to optimize it for the new environment without rearchitecting. • Pro: Improves efficiency and cost while utilizing some cloud benefits • Con: Requires moderate development resources and effort.
  5. 10 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 3. Replace • Replacing the legacy

    application with a new solution, often a SaaS (Software as a Service) product. • Pro: Less maintenance and faster to implement. • Con: Potential limitations due to out-of-the-box features and the complexity of data migration.
  6. 11 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 4. Retire • Applications or parts

    of them are not migrated but decommissioned because they are no longer needed. • Pro: Reduces complexity and cost. • Con: Requires a thorough analysis of system dependencies before retiring.
  7. 12 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 5. Retain • Applications remain in

    their current environment, either because they aren’t ready for migration or because they will be addressed later. • Pro: Avoid unnecessary changes where no immediate value can be gained. • Con: Delays future migration.
  8. 13 MIGRATION STRATEGIES (6RS) 6. Refactoring / Rearchitecting • Fundamental

    redesign of the application architecture to take full advantage of the new plattform. • Pro: Maximum flexibility and ability to utilize advanced features of the new platform. • Con: Higher cost, complexity, and time-consuming.
  9. 14 SOFTWARE MIGRATION INSURANCE SOFTWARE Requirements: • Host to Cloud

    migration • Refactor existing Java applications • Cobol to Java refactoring • Infrastrucutre replacement • Step by step migration

    significant is the technical debt? - Analysis of infrastructure and surrounding systems. - Is a documentation available? - Do we have tests? - How much will it cost? How long will it take?
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  12. 21 SOFTWARE MIGRATION INSURANCE SOFTWARE - Test-Driven Refactoring o write

    tests for the existing codebase - The Boy Scout Rule o Leave it cleaner than you found it
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