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ember-concurrency: an experience report

ember-concurrency: an experience report

An informal talk given at the EmberTO meetup in June, 2017

Reg Braithwaite

June 05, 2017

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  1. ember-concurrency ember-concurrency is an Ember Addon that makes it easy

    to write concise, robust, and beautiful asynchronous code. --http://ember-concurrency.com/ Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  2. tasks and instances aTask = task(function * () { const

    { geolocation, store } = this.get(...); const coords = yield geolocation.getCoords(); const result = yield store.getNearbyStores(coords); this.set('result', result); }); anInstance = someTask.perform(); Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  3. concurrency protocols task(function * () { // ... }).drop() (ember-concurrency

    calls these "modifiers") Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  4. ! this.set('isLoading', true); this.xhr = fetch(id).then( success => { this.set('isLoading',

    false); // ... }, failure => { this.set('isLoading', false); // ... }); Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  5. progress const chunks = _.chunk(incidents, CHUNK_SIZE); let done = 0;

    this.set('done', done); for (const theseIncidents of chunks) { yield this.resolve(theseIncidents); done = done + theseIncidents.length); this.set('done', done); } Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  6. sharing one task task(function * (promissoryThunk) { let result; yield

    promissoryThunk().then(value => { result = value; }); return result; }).enqueue() Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
  7. task groups tasks: taskGroup().enqueue(), handlePing: task(function * () { //

    ... }).group('tasks'), submitUpdate: task(function * () { // ... }).group('tasks') Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.