The Core Protocols are behavior patterns for successful teams.
The Core Protocols are the work of Jim and Michele McCarthy. Over the last 20 years, the McCarthys studied hundreds of teams and thousands of students in a laboratory setting, giving each team a work assignment and deadline of one week to deliver a great product. The McCarthys observed the teams and factored out their success patterns. They encoded these success patterns--behavior patterns of successful teams—as 11 repeatable “protocols”, easy recipes that we can all follow, so we and our teams can reproducibly deliver great products on time every time.
In this presentation, Richard Kasperowski and Julia Ivashina introduce the Core Protocols. They share the fundamentals of the Core Protocols and guide attendees through activities that help them learn and retain these same successful behavior patterns. You’ll leave understanding of how to build a team that is in a state of shared vision and can deliver great products on time every time.