& kpc ⇠ few pc ~10 R s ~100 AU ~10 -3 pc M ckinney+ ˙ M B H c 2 Black hole jets can affect the growth/ formation of galaxies, groups and clusters “AGN feedback” “X-ray bubbles” CENTRAL BLACK HOLE Rodrigo Nemmen
All the time/energy bins with F F 0.5 D > g g , where F D g is the error estimate in the flux Fg , and/or TS < 9 are1 rejected from the analysis. Systematics on the measured fluxes are of around 10% below 100 MeV, 5% between 316 MeV to 10 GeV, and 10% above 10 GeV. The statistical uncertainties Moreover, the da defined as good tim highest γ-ray flux 2.5, thereby makin recorded from 3C operation but als brightest flare was was as high as ≈ Further, the assoc TS = 2407 and 27 To determine th light curves are sc F where F t1 ( ) and respectively, and t shortest flux doub 2.2 ± 0.3 hr on M in order to assess t all the three flare temporal profile fi the fitting is perfor three fast, tempo Figure 1. Gamma-ray light curve of 3C 279 covering the period of outburst. Fluxes are in units of 10−6 ph cm s 2 1 - - . See the text for details. Gamma-ray light curve of blazars 3C 279 outburst Fermi Senior R Minute-Timescale Gamma-Ray Variability from LAT TOO Observations 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (minutes) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Flux (>100 MeV) (10-5 ph cm-2 s-1 ) Minute-timescale variability Paliya+15
Synchrotron emission Inverse Compton log(⌫/Hz) log( ⌫L⌫/ erg s 1 ) Need predictive model: Impact of black hole spin initial, boundary conditions magnetic topology electron distribution, reconnection
models cannot handle Need numerical simulations, computationally intensive Magnetic fields (MRI – “viscosity”) ➾ MHD Multi-dimensional 3D General relativity (BH) ➾ 3D GRMHD Radiation ➾ 3D GRRMHD cture ture C C
Dt + ⇢r · v = 0 ⇢ Dv Dt = rp ⇢r + r · T ⇢ D(e/⇢) Dt = pr · v + T2/µ Conservation of Mass Momentum Energy D⇢ Dt ⇢ Dv Dt = rp ⇢ D(e/⇢) Dt = pr · v + T2/µ r D⇢ Dt + ⇢r · v = 0 ⇢ Dv Dt = rp ⇢r + r · T D(e/⇢) Dt = pr · v + T2/µ r · Frad r · q
MHD condition Kerr metric Conservation of Particle number Energy-momentum r⌫(⇢u⌫) = 0 r⌫Tµ⌫ = 0 r⌫ ⇤ Fµ⌫ = 0 r⌫Fµ⌫ = Jµ Maxwell equations r⌫ ⇤ Fµ⌫ = 0 r⌫Fµ⌫ = Jµ Fµ⌫u⌫ = 0 ds 2 = ↵ 2 dt 2 + ij( dx i + p = ( 1)⇢✏ ;l s the stress energy tensor. In a coordinate basis, ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Àg p Tt Á ¼ À@i ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Àg p Ti À Á þ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Àg p T À ; ð4Þ notes a spatial index and À is the connection. rgy momentum equations have been written with dex down for a reason. Symmetries of the metric conserved currents. In the Kerr metric, for exam- xisymmetry and stationary nature of the metric o conserved angular momentum and energy cur- eneral, for metrics with an ignorable coordinate rce terms on the right-hand side of the evolution or Tt l vanish. These source terms do not vanish quation is written with both indices up. ss energy tensor for a system containing only a id and an electromagnetic field is the sum of a Tl fluid ¼ ð þ u þ pÞulu þ pgl ð5Þ The rest of M and are not n MHD. Maxwell’s by taking the Here FÃ l ¼ 1 2 tensor (MTW which can be The comp blul ¼ 0. Fol where i denotes a spatial index and À is the The energy momentum equations have bee the free index down for a reason. Symmetrie give rise to conserved currents. In the Kerr me ple, the axisymmetry and stationary nature give rise to conserved angular momentum a rents. In general, for metrics with an ignora xl the source terms on the right-hand side o equation for Tt l vanish. These source terms when the equation is written with both indices The stress energy tensor for a system con perfect fluid and an electromagnetic field is fluid part, Tl fluid ¼ ð þ u þ pÞulu þ pgl (here u internal energy and p press electromagnetic part, Tl EM ¼ Fl F À 1 4 glF F :
4×106 resolution elements Need to evolve to t>15000 M (4 yrs for a 109 BH) Global, general relativistic MHD (GRMHD) simulations of gas around spinning BHs HARM code + MPI + 3D = HARMPI Gammie+03; Tchekhovskoy
4×106 resolution elements Need to evolve to t>15000 M (4 yrs for a 109 BH) Global, general relativistic MHD (GRMHD) simulations of gas around spinning BHs HARM code + MPI + 3D = HARMPI Moscibrodzka Gammie+03; Tchekhovskoy
relativity, grmonty Geodesic equation Radiative transfer dλ which defines λ, the affine parameter, the geodesic equ dkα dλ = −Γα µν kµkν, and the definition of the connection coefficients Γα µν = 1 2 gαγ (gγ µ,ν + gγ ν,µ − gµν,γ ) in a coordinate basis. We assume nothing about the metric, so it is easy t coordinate systems and even to extend the code to dy spacetimes. Nevertheless, our main application—to bl accretion flows—is in the Kerr metric, where geod adaptive Runge–Kutta Cash–Karp integrator in GSL ∼34,500 geodesics s−1 with fractional error ∼10−3 4. ABSORPTION grmonty treats absorption deterministically. We the radiative transfer equation written in the covaria 1 C d dλ Iν ν3 = jν ν2 − (ναν,a ) Iν ν3 . (see Mihalas & Mihalas 1984). Here Iν is specific in αν,a is the absorption coefficient (which is always e the fluid frame). The absorption coefficient must be by a separate subroutine; for thermal synchrotron e set αν,a = jν/Bν . C is a constant that depends on the (in grmonty, electron rest mass), ν (Hz), and the le for the simulation in cgs units. For grmonty, Lh phd, Gustavo soares Dolence+09, Arbitrary spacetimes absorption
relativity, grmonty Current features: Only thermal synchrotron emission Inverse Compton scattering 2D flows OpenMP parallelization Geodesic equation Radiative transfer dλ which defines λ, the affine parameter, the geodesic equ dkα dλ = −Γα µν kµkν, and the definition of the connection coefficients Γα µν = 1 2 gαγ (gγ µ,ν + gγ ν,µ − gµν,γ ) in a coordinate basis. We assume nothing about the metric, so it is easy t coordinate systems and even to extend the code to dy spacetimes. Nevertheless, our main application—to bl accretion flows—is in the Kerr metric, where geod adaptive Runge–Kutta Cash–Karp integrator in GSL ∼34,500 geodesics s−1 with fractional error ∼10−3 4. ABSORPTION grmonty treats absorption deterministically. We the radiative transfer equation written in the covaria 1 C d dλ Iν ν3 = jν ν2 − (ναν,a ) Iν ν3 . (see Mihalas & Mihalas 1984). Here Iν is specific in αν,a is the absorption coefficient (which is always e the fluid frame). The absorption coefficient must be by a separate subroutine; for thermal synchrotron e set αν,a = jν/Bν . C is a constant that depends on the (in grmonty, electron rest mass), ν (Hz), and the le for the simulation in cgs units. For grmonty, Lh phd, Gustavo soares We are incorporating: support for 3D flows GPU acceleration (OpenCL) non thermal distributions brehmstrahlu Dolence+09, Arbitrary spacetimes
light curves, outbursts, SEDs, jet-disk connection Need to treat radiation from black hole flows BH “weather” and radiation is complicated: need numerical simulations, computationally intensive Treating radiative transfer in curved spacetimes Soon: predictive model for light curves and SEDs
Fabio Cafardo PhD Raniere Menezes PhD Ivan Almeida Msc http://rodrigonemmen.com/group/ Rodrigo Nemmen Please apply to join my group Roberta Pereira undergrad (IC)
production var. timescale < horizon LLAGN SEDs blazar SEDs what is the origin? Observational challenges Impact of spin, flow, boundary conditions magnetic topology, electron distribution, signatures of outflow, reconnection