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Effective body language

Effective body language

Ankita Saloni

July 31, 2020

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  1. Topics to be covered : 01 02 03 04 05

    How to enhance it Types of Body Language Its Impact on communication Things to keep in mind Positive Body Language Negative Body Language Introduction
  2. What is meant by Body Language ? Body language is

    a type of a nonverbal communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey the information.
  3. Why body language is an integral part of our Personality?

    It helps to break the barrier of unfamiliarity and helps to form a better connect with the recipient of information. Thus, it is considered very important for all modes of communication.
  4. When we talk about Body Language, we refer to :

    Facial Expressions 01 02 03 Voice Modulation Stance and Gestures
  5. Extended eye-contact Uncrossed arms and legs Straight posture Confident tone

    and tenor Using hands for proper communication Relaxed shoulders and upward face Warm smile Positive Body Language
  6. Negative Body Language Arms crossed over the chest Clenched fist

    Persistent eye contact/Stare Uneven intonation Hunched shoulders Grinding teeth continuously Leaning backwards Stammering or shivering
  7. Impact of a Good Body Language : Good Leadership Skills

    Engage with the crowd easily Your good Impression on Others 01 02 03
  8. Things to keep in mind : Good Eye- contact Firm

    Handshake A Smile that shines Be calm and confident Your voice and pitch matters Dress appropriately