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Work Ethics

Work Ethics

Ankita Saloni

August 03, 2020

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  1. Understanding Work Ethics Decoding Corporate World How to be a

    good candidate? Some Unspoken rules Things to Keep in mind Topics to Cover :
  2. What is meant by Work Ethics ? Work ethic is

    the ability to maintain proper moral values within the workplace. It is an inherent attitude that an individual possesses which allows them to make decisions and perform their duties with positive moral values that include elements like integrity, responsibility, high quality, discipline, humility and teamwork.
  3. Productivity Are you able to meet the assigned targets on

    time, with no compromise in efficiency? Do you focus equally on High-priority task and low- priority task? Are you able to focus clearly on work, by minimizing distractions at workplace?
  4. Reliability Can you be trusted with a given task or

    responsibility? Are you a trustworthy and genuine employee, committed towards the welfare of the Company? Are you an inclusive leader and team-member?
  5. Cooperation How's your equation with your co-workers or colleagues? Are

    you capable of solving team-conflict quickly and effectively? Do you encourage people in your social network or help them whenever necessary?
  6. Responsibility Are you able to lead a team or perform

    efficiently as a team member? Do you take the responsibility or accountability of any mishap that occurs from your side? Do you keep blaming others and shrug off by saying "It wasn't my fault"?
  7. Do you keep missing your deadlines on a regular basis?

    Are you always late to the work? Is your image at the workplace, is of a rule- breaker? Discipline
  8. Are you that employee who is known for getting all

    the things done, in the right manner? Do your clients and customer praise you for your generous attitude and efficient service? Do you show exceptional punctuality and enthusiasm for your work? Dedication
  9. Professionalism Are you flexible to change, if it is required

    from your end? Are you competent enough to grow out of your comfort zone, during the high time? Are you able to efficiently manage the stress and anger issues and doesn't let it influence your work?
  10. Your Appearance matters... The way of your dressing and appearance

    can reveal a lot about your personality, behavior and mood. You'll be able to focus on your work in a better way, if you find yourself comfortable. It's good to steal attention, but only for the right reasons.
  11. Being a good candidate means.. Neither undersell nor brag about

    yourself. Research about the company and role you are applying for. Utilise the "Do you have any questions for us?" properly. Don't lie in your resume. This can backfire. Remember "Honesty is the best policy".
  12. Some Unspoken Rules : Keep your personal and professional life

    separate. Don't be un-attentive during meetings. Learn effective communication and analytical writing skills. Be careful about what you say. Whether it's your Boss, co-worker or any other staff member.
  13. Be proactive in your work if you wish to be

    professionally noticed. Whenever you get an opportunity, grab it, rather than waiting for the perfect time. Pretending to be a workaholic for promotion won't help. Be honest with your work. Try to strike a balance between your work and personal life. Don't let any one of them suffer due to the other.
  14. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND : Your attitude and seriousness

    about your work, speaks volume about you. "Honesty is the best policy" for a reason. Follow it. Don't rush for bigger achievements in a small span of time. Wait and work hard. Don't let a stupid step of yours tarnish your reputation. Be responsible.