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The chronicle of earning points with RWS

Tatsuya Sato
September 11, 2013

The chronicle of earning points with RWS

Tatsuya Sato

September 11, 2013

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  1. The chronicle of earning points with RWS Vol.01 2013/09/11 Collaborative Application

    Group, IT department , Tatsuya Sato http://www.rakuten.co.jp/
  2. 3 As Developer •  Rubyist – For 10 years •  tDiary

    Contributor – tDiary is 日記 engine, not Blog. •  Other Information – Github: https://github.com/satoryu – Twitter: http://twitter.com/sato_ryu – Blog: http://diary-satoryu.rhcloud.com/
  3. 5 Resume •  2009, Joined Rakuten, Inc. •  2011, Rakuten

    PaaS Project. – Launched PaaS system based on Cloud Foundry – Support for Ruby developers •  2013, IT Dept. – Developing new HR system for globalizing.
  4. 19 東北支援 •  Introduce items related with reconstruction for Tohoku

    earthquake –  Search items with ‘東北震災 復興支援’ and similar keywrods. –  Uses Rakuten Ichiba Item Search API
  5. 20 ItemNetwork •  Crawling #RakutenBookmark tag on Twitter •  Find

    twitter users who bookmarks a same item and tweets. – http://itemnetwork.appspot.com/users – Uses Rakuten Ichiba Item Search API
  6. 30 Feel free to contact me •  Feel free to

    contact me – If you want to use it – If you want to contribute to it