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New APIs in Tensorflow

April 28, 2018

New APIs in Tensorflow

Talk about the Tensorflow Eager execution and the Dataset APIs. Covers on how to change your code from using graph mode to eager execution and in the second half covered the datasets api to write performant input pipelines.


April 28, 2018

More Decks by Sourabh

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Delayed feedback • Error reporting much after graph construction •

    Not friendly to host-language debugger/tools Graphs can be annoying
  2. Metaprogramming • Control flow concepts (tf.while_loop) are different than the

    host language • Can’t use Python data structures easily Graphs can be annoying
  3. x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, 1]) m = tf.matmul(x, x) print(m)

    # Tensor("MatMul:0", shape=(1, 1), dtype=float32) with tf.Session() as sess: m_out = sess.run(m, feed_dict={x: [[2.]]}) print(m_out) # [[4.]] Boilerplate Code like this...
  4. x = [[2.]] m = tf.matmul(x, x) print(m) # tf.Tensor([[4.]],

    dtype=float32, shape=(1,1)) Boilerplate Becomes this
  5. x = tf.gather([0, 1, 2], 7) InvalidArgumentError: indices = 7

    is not in [0, 3) [Op:Gather] Instant Errors
  6. x = tf.random_uniform([2, 2]) with tf.Session() as sess: for i

    in range(x.shape[0]): for j in range(x.shape[1]): print(sess.run(x[i, j])) Metaprogramming Each iteration adds nodes to the graph
  7. x = tf.random_uniform([2, 2]) for i in range(x.shape[0]): for j

    in range(x.shape[1]): print(x[i, j]) Metaprogramming
  8. a = tf.constant(6) while a != 1: if a %

    2 == 0: a = a / 2 else: a = 3 * a + 1 print(a) Python Control Flow # Outputs tf.Tensor(3, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(10, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(5, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(16, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(8, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(4, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(2, dtype=int32) tf.Tensor(1, dtype=int32)
  9. • Operations executed are recorded on a tape • Tape

    is played back to compute gradients Gradients
  10. def square(x): return tf.multiply(x, x) # Or x * x

    grad = tfe.gradients_function(square) print(square(3.)) # tf.Tensor(9., dtype=tf.float32 print(grad(3.)) # [tf.Tensor(6., dtype=tf.float32))] Gradients
  11. def square(x): return tf.multiply(x, x) # Or x * x

    grad = tfe.gradients_function(square) gradgrad = tfe.gradients_function(lambda x: grad(x)[0]) print(square(3.)) # tf.Tensor(9., dtype=tf.float32) print(grad(3.)) # [tf.Tensor(6., dtype=tf.float32)] print(gradgrad(3.)) # [tf.Tensor(2., dtype=tf.float32))] Gradients
  12. TensorFlow = Operation Kernels + Composition • Session: One way

    to compose operations • Eager execution: Compose using Python
  13. tf.device() for manual placement with tf.device(“/gpu:0”): x = tf.random_uniform([10, 10])

    y = tf.matmul(x, x) # x and y reside in GPU memory Using GPUs
  14. The same APIs as graph building (tf.layers, tf.train.Optimizer, tf.data etc.)

    model = tf.layers.Dense(units=1, use_bias=True) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) Building Models
  15. model = tf.layers.Dense(units=1, use_bias=True) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) # Define a

    loss function def loss(x, y): return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - model(x)) Building Models
  16. Compute and apply gradients grad_fn = tfe.implicit_gradients(loss) for (x, y)

    in get_next_batch(): optimizer.apply_gradients(grad_fn(x, y)) Training Models
  17. Optimizable • Automatic buffer reuse • Constant folding • Inter-op

    parallelism • Automatic trade-off between compute and memory Graphs are
  18. Deployable • TensorFlow Serving • Mobile • Any other C++/Java/other

    program Without loss in translation between runtimes Graphs are
  19. “Compile” Python functions into graphs • Mix eager execution with

    calls to “compiled” graphs • Differentiate through graphs Graph Functions
  20. def lstm_cell(x, w, h, c): xhw = tf.matmul(tf.concat([x, h], axis=1),

    w) y = tf.split(xhw, 4, axis=1) in_value = tf.tanh(y[0]) in_gate, forget_gate, out_gate = [tf.sigmoid(x) for x in y[1:]] c = (forget_gate * c) + (in_gate * in_value) h = out_gate * tf.tanh(c) return h, c h, c = lstm_cell(x, w, h, c) print(h) LSTM Cell
  21. @tfe.graph_function def lstm_cell(x, w, h, c): xhw = tf.matmul(tf.concat([x, h],

    axis=1), w) y = tf.split(xhw, 4, axis=1) in_value = tf.tanh(y[0]) in_gate, forget_gate, out_gate = [tf.sigmoid(x) for x in y[1:]] c = (forget_gate * c) + (in_gate * in_value) h = out_gate * tf.tanh(c) return h, c h, c = lstm_cell(x, w, h, c) print(h) LSTM Cell
  22. @tfe.graph_function def lstm_cell(x, w, h, c): xhw = tf.matmul(tf.concat([x, h],

    axis=1), w) y = tf.split(xhw, 4, axis=1) in_value = tf.tanh(y[0]) in_gate, forget_gate, out_gate = [tf.sigmoid(x) for x in y[1:]] c = (forget_gate * c) + (in_gate * in_value) h = out_gate * tf.tanh(c) return h, c h, c = lstm_cell(x, w, h, c) print(h) LSTM Cell tanh executed in-place
  23. @tfe.graph_function def inception(image): logits = inception.inception_v3(image, num_classes=1001, is_training=False)[0] return tf.softmax(logits)

    inception.restore(“/path/to/checkpoint”) print(len(inception.variables)) Use existing graph code
  24. Input data is the lifeblood of machine learning Modern accelerators

    need faster input pipelines Getting your data into TensorFlow can be painful Why are we here?
  25. Half screen photo slide if text is necessary Feeding sess.run(…,

    feed_dict={x: features, y: labels}) All the flexibility of Python… …and all the performance
  26. Queues files = string_input_producer(…) record = TFRecordReader().read(files) parsed = parse_example(record,

    …) batch = batch(parsed, 32) Uses TensorFlow ops to perform preprocessing, but driven by client threads. “Starting the queue runners”
  27. How do I switch between training and validation data? How

    do I detect the end of an epoch? How do I handle malformed data?
  28. Data elements have the same type Dataset might be too

    large to materialize all at once… or infinite Compose functions like map() and filter() to preprocess Input pipelines = lazy lists Functional programming to the rescue!
  29. A well-studied area, applied in existing languages. • C# LINQ,

    Scala collections, Java Streams Huge literature on optimization (stream fusion etc.) Input pipelines = lazy lists Functional programming to the rescue!
  30. Create a Dataset from one or more tf.Tensor objects: Dataset.from_tensors((features,

    labels)) Dataset.from_tensor_slices((features, labels)) TextLineDataset(filenames) The Dataset interface Data sources and functional transformations
  31. Or create a Dataset from another Dataset: dataset.map(lambda x: tf.decode_jpeg(x))

    dataset.repeat(NUM_EPOCHS) dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE) ...and many more. The Dataset interface Data sources and functional transformations
  32. Or (in TensorFlow 1.4) create a Dataset from a Python

    generator: def generator(): while True: yield ... Dataset.from_generator(generator, tf.int32) The Dataset interface Data sources and functional transformations
  33. # Read records from a list of files. dataset =

    TFRecordDataset(["file1.tfrecord", "file1.tfrecord", …]) # Parse string values into tensors. dataset = dataset.map(lambda record: tf.parse_single_example(record, …)) # Randomly shuffle using a buffer of 10000 examples. dataset = dataset.shuffle(10000) # Repeat for 100 epochs. dataset = dataset.repeat(100) # Combine 128 consecutive elements into a batch. dataset = dataset.batch(128)
  34. Get the next element from the Iterator: next_element = iterator.get_next()

    while …: sess.run(next_element) The Iterator interface Sequential access to Dataset elements
  35. dataset = … # A one-shot iterator automatically initializes itself

    on first use. iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # The return value of get_next() matches the dataset element type. images, labels = iterator.get_next() train_op = model_and_optimizer(images, labels) # Loop until all elements have been consumed. try: while True: sess.run(train_op) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: pass
  36. def input_fn(): dataset = … # A one-shot iterator automatically

    initializes itself on first use. iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # The return value of get_next() matches the dataset element type. images, labels = iterator.get_next() return images, labels # The input_fn can be used as a regular Estimator input function. estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(…) estimator.train(train_input_fn=input_fn, …)