Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan “OFDM/OQAM: A Solution to Efficiently Increase the Capacity of Future PLC Networks,” To appear in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. – P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan “Windowed OFDM versus OFDM/OQAM: A P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan Windowed OFDM versus OFDM/OQAM: A Transmission Capacity Comparison in the HomePlug AV Context,” International Symposium on Power Line Communications, ISPLC 2011, Udine, Italy, April 2011. 27 interne Groupe France Télécom Orange Labs - Recherche & Développement -Etude et application des systèmes de transmissions multi-usagers pour le réseau PLC – 14/04/11