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The Overlap Technique – Calculated Steps to Pur...

Sean McCabe
February 23, 2014

The Overlap Technique – Calculated Steps to Pursuing Your Passion Vocationally

Note: These slides were not designed to make sense on their own. Please following along with the accompanying audio at http://seanwes.com/52 for context.

Sean McCabe

February 23, 2014

Other Decks in Design


  1. Note: These slides were not designed to make sense on

    their own. Please follow along with the talk audio at seanwes.com/52 for context.
  2. 90%

  3. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) … because that’s what you do.
  4. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt … because that’s what you do.
  5. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car … because that’s what you do.
  6. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car … or a house … because that’s what you do.
  7. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car … or a house … or your business … … because that’s what you do.
  8. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car … because that’s what you do.
  9. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car •  Charge by the hour … because that’s what you do.
  10. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car •  Charge by the hour •  Provide clients with multiple concepts … because that’s what you do.
  11. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car •  Charge by the hour •  Provide clients with multiple concepts •  Put ads on your website … because that’s what you do.
  12. •  Go to college •  Get real job (or be

    starving artist) •  Get into debt – Take a loan for a car •  Charge by the hour •  Provide clients with multiple concepts •  Put ads on your website •  Use sponsors to monetize the podcast … because that’s what you do.
  13. •  I’m not here to tell you how to live.

    •  I’m here to share what I’ve learned. The Purpose
  14. •  I’m not here to tell you how to live.

    •  I’m here to share what I’ve learned. •  Let go of others’ impositions. The Purpose
  15. •  I’m not here to tell you how to live.

    •  I’m here to share what I’ve learned. •  Let go of others’ impositions. •  Wipe the slate clean. The Purpose
  16. $

  17. •  3 months •  30–40k words •  Day 56 of

    Early Wake, Daily Write •  I asked my subscribers 2 questions:
  18. •  3 months •  30–40k words •  Day 56 of

    Early Wake, Daily Write •  I asked my subscribers 2 questions: 1.  What is the hardest thing keeping you from pursuing your passion full time?
  19. •  3 months •  30–40k words •  Day 56 of

    Early Wake, Daily Write •  I asked my subscribers 2 questions: 1.  What is the hardest thing keeping you from pursuing your passion full time? 2.  What would you like me to address in depth in the book?
  20. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible?
  21. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear?
  22. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job?
  23. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late?
  24. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time?
  25. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest?
  26. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this?
  27. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this? •  How do I go about monetizing?
  28. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this? •  How do I go about monetizing? •  Where do I even start?
  29. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this? •  How do I go about monetizing? •  Where do I even start? •  What’s a good daily structure for staying focused?
  30. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this? •  How do I go about monetizing? •  Where do I even start? •  What’s a good daily structure for staying focused? •  How do you balance pursuing passion & family?
  31. •  What if I’m a Jack of all trades master

    of none? •  Will my debt make it impossible? •  How do I overcome fear? •  What if I don’t have a day job? •  I’m 40 and I have a family—is it too late? •  How do I manage my time? •  What if I don’t have any money to invest? •  Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this? •  How do I go about monetizing? •  Where do I even start? •  What’s a good daily structure for staying focused? •  How do you balance pursuing passion & family? •  I’m scared to put myself out there—what will people think of me?
  32. •  “Doing what you love.” clichés •  Calculated steps to

    transitioning from your day job to your passion. The Overlap Technique
  33. •  “Doing what you love.” clichés •  Calculated steps to

    transitioning from your day job to your passion. The Overlap Technique
  34. •  Fear of risk. •  Fear of the unknown. • 

    Fear of losing job security. The Overlap Technique
  35. •  Fear of risk. •  Fear of the unknown. • 

    Fear of losing job security. The Overlap Technique Mental Roadblocks
  36. •  Find something you don’t hate. •  Not in the

    same industry. 1. Start with a day job
  37. •  Find something you don’t hate. •  Not in the

    same industry. •  Don’t compromise to pay bills. 1. Start with a day job
  38. •  Find something you don’t hate. •  Not in the

    same industry. •  Don’t compromise to pay bills. 1. Start with a day job Compromising to pay bills kills the passion.
  39. “I have a wife and kids, and I'm stuck in

    a dead end job. Is there any hope for me?”
  40. 1. Yes. It is possible. 2. It will require serious

    discipline with your time. 3. You will need the full support of your family.
  41. •  Watch movies? •  Habitually check Facebook? •  Browse Reddit?

    •  Play video games? •  Watch TV shows on Netflix? Do you…
  42. Those who are doing things that you admire aren’t blessed

    with 25 hours in a day. They sacrifice. They make time.
  43. You won’t know your passion until you’ve tried it for

    awhile. Q: Can I be sure I’m really passionate about this?
  44. •  It can’t just be the idea of this thing.

    2. You won’t know your passion until you’ve tried it for awhile.
  45. •  It can’t just be the idea of this thing.

    •  You don’t want to find yourself stuck. 2. You won’t know your passion until you’ve tried it for awhile.
  46. •  It can’t just be the idea of this thing.

    •  You don’t want to find yourself stuck. 2. You won’t know your passion until you’ve tried it for awhile. Don’t quit your day job … yet.
  47. •  Whether you spend 1 hour a day or 4

    hours a day, be committed. 3. Set a consistent schedule and stick to it.
  48. •  Whether you spend 1 hour a day or 4

    hours a day, be committed. •  Remember, make the time. 3. Set a consistent schedule and stick to it.
  49. •  Whether you spend 1 hour a day or 4

    hours a day, be committed. •  Remember, make the time. 3. Set a consistent schedule and stick to it. You need the support of your family for this.
  50. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. 4.

    Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  51. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. Now

    double it. 4. Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  52. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. Now

    double it. •  2 ways to establish yourself: 4. Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  53. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. Now

    double it. •  2 ways to establish yourself: •  1. Having credentials 4. Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  54. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. Now

    double it. •  2 ways to establish yourself: •  1. Having credentials •  2. Having a solid portfolio 4. Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  55. •  Think of an adequate number of portfolio items. Now

    double it. •  2 ways to establish yourself: •  1. Having credentials •  2. Having a solid portfolio •  Make case studies that show that you know what you’re doing. 4. Build a portfolio and start working with clients.
  56. Save every bit of money from client work. Q: What

    if I don’t have any money to invest?
  57. •  You already have your bills covered. •  This is

    your startup capital. 5. Save every bit of money from client work.
  58. •  You already have your bills covered. •  This is

    your startup capital. •  This money can be used to phase out your day job or invest in products. 5. Save every bit of money from client work.
  59. •  You already have your bills covered. •  This is

    your startup capital. •  This money can be used to phase out your day job or invest in products. •  Six months? 5. Save every bit of money from client work.
  60. •  Circumstances are never going to be “just right.” 6.

    There is never going to be a perfect time.
  61. •  Circumstances are never going to be “just right.” • 

    There will always be a “leap of faith” moment. 6. There is never going to be a perfect time.
  62. •  Circumstances are never going to be “just right.” • 

    There will always be a “leap of faith” moment. •  It will come down to taking a risk at some point, but that doesn’t mean you have to be foolish. 6. There is never going to be a perfect time.