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OpenShift : Platform for Agile and Rapid Develo...

OpenShift : Platform for Agile and Rapid Development

OpenShift : Platform for Agile and Rapid Development

Shekhar Gulati

February 02, 2013

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  1. OpenShift : Platform For Rapid and Agile Development Speakers Details

    Shekhar Gulati Red Hat Twitter : shekhargulati
  2. About Me 2 • OpenShift Evangelist at Red Hat •

    Ex-Xebian • Hands on Developer • Speaker • Writer and Blogger • Passionate Learner • For Details Google “Shekhar Gulati”
  3. Agenda • Level setting • Becoming friends with OpenShift •

    Demo 1 – OpenShift web console • OpenShift command line tool • Demo 2 : Application with Jenkins support • Demo 3 : Integrating Sonar • Demo 4 : Installing YouTrack
  4. PaaS == Platform as a Service A Cloud Application Platform

    Code Deploy Enjoy Save Time and Money Code your app Push-button Deploy, and your App is running in the Cloud!
  5. Why PaaS? • Lets developer focus on his job i.e.

    to write code. • You develop “Cloud Aware” applications from the beginning. • Improves developer productivity. • Reduces cost and time to market. • Brings agility to product development. • Gives developers the power to prototype their ideas rapidly.
  6. Why OpenShift? • Strength. OpenShift is built on proven Red

    Hat technologies. • Freedom. In OpenShift, work the way you want. – Choice of Interface: Web Console, Command-line, or IDE – Choice of Middleware: Java(EE6), Ruby, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Perl – Choice of Cloud: Public, Private, or Hybrid Cloud – Choice of Elasticity: Automatic application scaling when needed • Openness. OpenShift’s open source software stack ensures application portability and No Lock-In.
  7. What else Do I Get? • OpenShift is free-as-in-beer &

    free-as-in-freedom • You get three free gears, each with 512MB memory and 1GB of disk space. • Need more resources, just ask! • The catch is we are in developer preview right now
  8. Developers Choose How To Work with OpenShift Developer IDE Integrations

    Web Browser Console Command Line Tooling REST APIs
  9. Installing OpenShift Command Line Tools • Install Ruby 1.8.7 or

    greater • Install Git • Install rhc OpenShift gem Refer to documentation
  10. Demo 2 : Creating a Java MySQL Application with Jenkins

    $ rhc app create -a todo -t jbossews-2.0 - - enable-jenkins $ rhc cartridge add mysql -a todo $ git remote add upstream -m master git://github.com/shekhargulati/git://github.com/shekhargul ati/agilencr-demo.git $ git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master $ git push
  11. Demo 3 :Installing Sonar on OpenShift Sonar is an open

    platform to manage code quality. rhc app create -a sonar -t jbossews-1.0 rhc cartridge add mysql -a sonar cd sonar git remote add upstream -m master git://github.com/wenhao/openshift-sonar.git git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master git rm -r src/ pom.xml git commit -am "delete src and pom.xml files." git push
  12. Integrating Sonar with Build • Update Sonar profile in todo/pom.xml

    • Port forwarding using Eclipse • Run mvn sonar:sonar -Psonar
  13. Demo 4 : Installing YouTrack The Agile Issue Tracking and

    Project Tracking Tool rhc app create youtrack jbossews-1.0 git rm -rf src/ pom.xml git commit -am “delete template files” git remote add upstream -m master git://github.com/shekhargulati/youtrack-openshift.git git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master git push
  14. Conclusion • OpenShift is very easy • Installing various Agile

    tools was very easy • Sign up for an OpenShift account with promo code AGILENCR • Slides are available on SpeakerDeck https://speakerdeck.com/shekhargulati/ • Code is on github https://github.com/shekhargulati