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A Framework for Developing Pervasive Cross-Medi...

Beat Signer
October 07, 2008

A Framework for Developing Pervasive Cross-Media Applications based on Physical Hypermedia and Active Components

Presentation given at ICPCA 2008, 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Alexandria, Egypt.

ABSTRACT: We present a framework that supports the development of pervasive cross-media applications through a clean separation of interaction design and application programming. The approach is based on a novel concept of active components that provides a lightweight mechanism for linking physical and digital entities to services. We show how the development of cross-media applications can be simplified by adopting an authoring rather than a programming approach and how we achieved this by integrating the active component concept into an extensible hypermedia server.

Research paper: https://beatsigner.com/publications/a-framework-for-developing-pervasive-cross-media-applications-based-on-physical-hypermedia-and-active-components.pdf

Beat Signer

October 07, 2008

More Decks by Beat Signer

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  6. ICPCA 2008, October 7 Beat Signer, [email protected] Active Components ...

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  8. ICPCA 2008, October 7 Beat Signer, [email protected] The Lost Cosmonaut

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  9. ICPCA 2008, October 7 Beat Signer, [email protected] Conclusions ▪ Separation

    of interaction design and application programming ▪ Authoring rather than programming approach ▪ Extensible cross-media framework ▪ modular and extensible active components ▪ resource plug-ins ▪ Rapid prototyping
  10. ICPCA 2008, October 7 Beat Signer, [email protected] Further Information ▪

    https://beatsigner.com/interactive-paper.html ▪ Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, Beat Signer, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, May 2008 Prof. Moira Norrie Dr. Beat Signer Nadir Weibel Adriana Ispas