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GOLDEN // Free PowerPoint presentation template

February 16, 2015

GOLDEN // Free PowerPoint presentation template

More free downloads: http://www.slideist.com


Golden is an elegant template with no predefined use case. We created 3 color variations to match the mood of your goal. Let your mind free and wrap your ideas in these beautiful layouts.


Title slide
Title + content
Image layout
4 fullscreen image + title
Image + paragraph slides
Image + text layouts
Text and bulletpoin layouts
Elegant icon display
4 chart designs
3 color variations: Golden, white, darkgrey based


February 16, 2015

More Decks by Slideist

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  1. Title & Content Jay Rosen recontextualize future of narrative Frontline

    Nook Flipboard Instagram AP newspaper strike nut graf attracting young readers, AOL Frontline gotta grok it before you rock it right-sizing linking newspaper strike Patch bloggers in their mother's basement Instagram, put the paper to bed mathewi Andy Carvin Snarkmarket Frontline kitchen table of the future awesome do what you do best and link to the rest metered model. hashtag stream crowdfunding meme inverted pyramid fourth estate Flipboard writing eHow anonymity got drudged, analog thinking Article Skimmer tablets Julian Assange hot news doctrine metered model hackgate Bill Keller information overload, Jurgen Habermas Frontline Patch Jeff Jarvis prostate incent copyboy Frontline stupid commenters Robin Sloan.
  2. Paragraph & 4 image cCommunity TweetDeck DocumentCloud Facebook tweet a

    giant stack of newspapers that you'll never read the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one hyperhyperlocal hyperhyperhyperlocal Aron Pilhofer Nook NPR, ProPublica fair use NPR Storify Frontline the notion of the public HuffPo content … Project Thunderdome Dan Fleckner totally blowing up on Twitter Android Gutenberg parenthesis blog aggregation dingbat Groupon, Fuego recontextualize crowdsourcing Demand Media Project Thunderdome RT Romenesko, eHow mathewi hackgate put the paper to bed Zite every dog loves food he said she said. Learnings semipermeable dying we will make them pay Walter Lippmann future totally blowing up on Twitter Neil Postman cops beat horse-race coverage, nut graf lede Gutenberg parenthesis nonprofit going forward Project Thunderdome 5 praise erasers & how to avoid … Afternoon paper Pulse free as in beer Neil Postman Alberto Ibarguen Jay Rosen pay curtain SEO paywall Jurgen Habermas, go viral future of narrative Tumblr Free Darko curation Gutenberg parenthesis startups people formerly known as the audience I saw it on Mediagazer NPR, Ushahidi hot news …
  3. Paragraph & image left Voice of San Diego curmudgeon aggregation

    semipermeable link economy Gawker TBD Tumblr Tim Carmody Gannett, AOL data visualization eHow Julian Assange curation Nick Denton hot news doctrine. mathewi Arianna paywall the medium is the massage Robin Sloan Jeff Jarvis masthead Bill Keller TBD, shoot a photo The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction A.J. Liebling location-based John Dewey horse-race coverage reality-based horse-race coverage collaboration, #twittermakesyoustupid anonymity tags bringing a tote bag to a knife fight dead trees startups WikiLeaks.
  4. Paragraph & image right Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati

    nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati #twittermakesyoustupid Frontline Encyclo shoot a photo newspaper strike people formerly known as the audience aggregation.
  5. Title & Content SEO the power of the press belongs

    to the person who owns one the audience knows more than I do Storify YouTube rubber cement morgue What Would Google Do get me rewrite open newsroom, Sulzberger HuffPo newsonomics stream Jeff Jarvis gotta grok it before you rock it David Foster Wallace explainer, Nick Denton try PR hyperlocal Rupert Murdoch eHow a giant stack of newspapers that you'll never read hashtag NPR. scoop tabloid Instagram Rupert Murdoch discuss advertising go viral Zite, got drudged West Seattle Blog curation Flipboard every dog loves food going forward, tools newspaper Quora Marshall McLuhan monetization pay curtain. Gotta grok it before you rock it Frontline paywall Quora nut graf Steve Jobs Pulse hyperlocal Arab spring Bill Keller, bloggers in their mother's basement put the paper to bed going forward experiment Arianna mthomps incent we need a Nate Silver anonymity view from nowhere, hyperhyperlocal David Cohn NPR Chartbeat This Week in Review twitterati crowdsourcing content farm. recontextualize future Marshall McLuhan social media #twittermakesyoustupid serendipity Knight Foundation Innovator's Dilemma rubber cement AOL Zite, Rupert Murdoch libel lawyer Free Darko Frontline Clay Shirky Pictures of Goats section afternoon paper Fuego Mozilla, discuss data visualization advertising Dan Fleckner circulation DocumentCloud shoot a photo Frontline Steve Jobs.
  6. • Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra

    sem. • Nunc at nunc tortor. • Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. • Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. • Vestibulum vestibulum, mi gravida mollis condimentum, ipsum sapien tincidunt tellus, sit amet sollicitudin tortor massa et justo. • Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. • Nunc at nunc tortor. • Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. • Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. • Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. • Nunc at nunc tortor. • Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. • Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. • Vestibulum vestibulum, mi gravida mollis condimentum, ipsum sapien tincidunt tellus, sit amet sollicitudin t • Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. • Nunc at nunc tortor. • Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. • Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue ortor massa et justo.
  7. 1. Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra

    sem. 2. Nunc at nunc tortor. 3. Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. 4. Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. 5. Vestibulum vestibulum, mi gravida mollis condimentum, ipsum sapien tincidunt tellus, sit amet sollicitudin tortor massa et justo. 6. Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. 7. Nunc at nunc tortor. 8. Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. 9. Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. 1. Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. 2. Nunc at nunc tortor. 3. Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. 4. Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue. 5. Vestibulum vestibulum, mi gravida mollis condimentum, ipsum sapien tincidunt tellus, sit amet sollicitudin tortor massa et justo. 6. Proin enim orci, tristique eu ipsum et, blandit pharetra sem. 7. Nunc at nunc tortor. 8. Vivamus viverra efficitur nisl, et mattis tortor ullamcorper nec. 9. Praesent ac mauris dignissim, blandit erat a, ultricies augue.
  8. Title & 4 Icon & 4 Content Reuters Foursquare Android

    NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati
  9. Title & 6 Icon & 6 Content Reuters Foursquare Android

    NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati Reuters Foursquare Android NYT R&D twitterati nonprofit data visualization the notion of the public information overload discuss, every dog loves food paywall Kindle Single pay curtain media diet analog thinking layoffs Reuters Arianna Walter Lippmann, twitterati
  10. Chart Title David Foster Wallace • applications Jay Rosen •

    ideas Aron Pilhofer • journalist This Week in Review right-sizing Jurgen Habermas Groupon hyperlocal, experiment Pictures of Goats section people formerly known as the audience cancel my subscription retweet inverted pyramid in the slot. the notion of the public should isn't a business model learnings put the paper to bed Pulse David Foster Wallace copyboy every dog loves food Snarkmarket backpack journalist, commons-based peer production get me rewrite paywall awesome +1 semipermeable algorithms syndicated …
  11. Lorem ipsum 4,3 2,5 3,5 4,5 2,4 4,4 1,8 2,8

    2 2 3 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 fourth estate experiment advertising Frontline WordPress Dan Fleckner Lucius Nieman digital circulation strategy location-based NPR metered model, tabloid Gutenberg parenthesis dead trees I love the Weather & Opera section media bias Gardening & War section West Seattle Blog paywall Gutenberg parenthesis dead trees CTR, CNN leaves it there API West Seattle Blog I love the Weather & Opera section Julian Assange content …
  12. Title & Big Chart 0 2 4 6 8 10

    12 14 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Chart Title Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
  13. Title & Table Dan Fleckner David Cohn Bill Keller Lucius

    Nieman Ruphert Silver 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 7/6/1973 7/6/1973 7/6/1973 7/6/1973 7/6/1973 flecker13@example.com flecker13@example.com flecker13@example.com flecker13@example.com flecker13@example.com 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd 2032 Werth Rd (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924 (853)-726-7924
  14. Content & Big Image Community TweetDeck DocumentCloud Facebook tweet a

    giant stack of newspapers that you'll never read the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one hyperhyperlocal hyperhyperhyperlocal Aron Pilhofer Nook NPR, ProPublica fair use NPR Storify Frontline the notion of the public HuffPo content is king cognitive surplus Nick Denton, learnings the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one collaboration Snarkmarket +1 Rupert Murdoch NPR AOL Patch we need a Nate Silver.
  15. Content & Chart SUBTITLE Project Thunderdome Dan Fleckner totally blowing

    up on Twitter Android Gutenberg parenthesis blog aggregation dingbat Groupon, Fuego recontextualize crowdsourcing Demand Media Project Thunderdome RT Romenesko, eHow mathewi hackgate put the paper to bed Zite every dog loves food he said she said. learnings semipermeable dying we will make them pay Walter Lippmann future totally blowing up on Twitter Neil Postman … 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
  16. Content & Right image SUBTITLE Project Thunderdome Dan Fleckner totally

    blowing up on Twitter Android Gutenberg parenthesis blog aggregation dingbat Groupon, Fuego recontextualize crowdsourcing Demand Media Project Thunderdome RT Romenesko, eHow mathewi hackgate put the paper to bed Zite every dog loves food he said she said. learnings semipermeable dying we will make them pay Walter Lippmann future totally blowing up on Twitter Neil Postman …
  17. Section header with photo as background fourth estate experiment advertising

    Frontline WordPress Dan Fleckner Lucius Nieman digital circulation strategy location-based NPR metered model …