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The Power of Serverless GraphQL with AppSync

The Power of Serverless GraphQL with AppSync

ServerlessDays Virtual, October 2020. https://virtual.serverlessdays.io/speakers/202010/slobodan/

Slobodan Stojanović

October 28, 2020

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  1. It needs to be ready for yesterday. And it needs

    to be scalable and real-time!
  2. Slobodan Stojanović CTO @ Cloud Horizon & CTO @ Vacation

    Tracker co-author of Serverless Applications with Node.js book AWS Serverless Hero @slobodan_
  3. @slobodan_ "We were frustrated with the differences between the data

    we wanted to use in our apps and the server queries they required." L" Byron, 2015 GraphQL: A data query language article
  4. • Defines a data shape • Hierarchical • Strongly typed

    • Protocol, not storage • Introspective • Version fr"
  5. Types type Author { id: Int name: String posts: [Post]

    } type Post { id: Int title: String text: String author: Author }
  6. Resolvers getAuthor(_, args){ return sql.raw('SELECT * FROM authors WHERE id

    = %s', args.id); } posts(author){ return request(`https://api.blog.io/by_author/${author.id}`); }
  7. Queries { getAuthor(id: 5){ name posts { title author {

    # this will be the same as the name above name } } } }
  8. Result { "name": "Slobodan", "posts": [{ "title": "Hello World", "author":

    { "name": "Slobodan" } }, { "title": "GraphQL", "author": { "name": "Slobodan" } }] }
  9. AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL to make

    it easy for applications to get exactly the data they n"d.
  10. • Define GraphQL schema • Automatically provision a DynamoDB data

    source and connect resolvers • Write GraphQL queries and mutations • Use the API in the frontend app
  11. AppSync with CDK import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import

    * as appsync from '@aws-cdk/aws-appsync'; export class AppsyncCdkAppStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // Creates the AppSync API const api = new appsync.GraphqlApi(this, 'Api', { name: 'my-awesome-app', schema: appsync.Schema.fromAsset('graphql/schema.graphql'), }); // Prints out the AppSync GraphQL endpoint to the terminal new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "GraphQLAPIURL", { value: api.graphqlUrl }); } }
  12. AWS AppSync lets you specify which part of your data

    should be available in a real-time manner using GraphQL Subscriptions.
  13. Real-time subscriptions type Subscription { addedPost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["addPost"]) updatedPost:

    Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updatePost"]) deletedPost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deletePost"]) }
  14. AWS AppSync supports Amazon Elasticsearch! the GraphQL operations can be

    simple lookups, complex queries & mappings, fu! text searches, fuzzy/keyword searches or geo lookups.
  15. ?

  16. I would say it’s an alien language (we!, its Java-based)

    hard to test in isolation in a serverless application, especia!y in AWS CloudForamation.
  17. Testing Alien language Templates import { AppSyncMockFile } from 'amplify-appsync-simulator'

    import { VelocityTemplate } from 'amplify-appsync-simulator/lib/velocity' import { readFileSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { getAppSyncSimulator } from './helpers/get-appsync-simulator' import { getVelocityRendererParams } from './helpers/get-velocity-renderer-params' // Read the VTL file from the disc const vtl = readFileSync(join(__dirname, '..', 'get-company-resolver-request.vtl'), 'utf8') const template: AppSyncMockFile = { content: vtl } // Create a simulator instance const simulator = getAppSyncSimulator() // Create a VelocityTemplate instance const velocity = new VelocityTemplate(template, simulator)
  18. Testing Alien language Templates describe('some-file.vtl', () => { const {

    ctxValues, requestContext, info } = getVelocityRendererParams('username', { 'custom:companyId': 'company', }) test('should render a template', () => { const result = velocity.render(ctxValues, requestContext, info) expect(result).toEqual({ errors: [], isReturn: false, stash: {}, result: { version: '2018-05-29', operation: 'GetItem', key: { id: { S: 'company' }, }, }, }) }) })
  19. It depends on your approach. It's good to have end-to-end

    tests, but you can test your Lambda code or VTL templates in isolation.
  20. Quick Summary: • GraphQL makes your frontend and backend connection

    effortless • AppSync makes GraphQL management effortless • Serverless GraphQL makes you a super hero