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Whose work is it anyway? Work-as-done and its p...

Whose work is it anyway? Work-as-done and its proxies

SHOT Symposium 2021


July 15, 2021

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  1. WORK-AS-DONE AND ITS PROXIES Steven Shorrock Chartered Psychologist | Chartered

    Human Factors & Ergonomics Specialist 15 July 2021| SHOT Symposium (online) @stevenshorrock | speakerdeck.com/stevenshorrock
  2. Government Public Judiciary Media Planning Design & Engineering Management Operational

    Staff Researchers HR , Training Safety, Health Quality, Env. Regulators Suppliers Shorrock (2021) COMPANY INDUSTRY SOCIETY Unions & Associations Insurers
  3. “I feel there is an ever increasing disconnect again between

    what nationally is sometimes said to be going on and what people on the ground feel or see is going on.” Sir Robert Francis QC, 2017, HSJ Whose work is it anyway? Work-as-done and its proxies | @stevenshorrock
  4. Work-as-Done Work-as- Analysed Work-as- Measured Work-as- Judged Work-as- Observed Work-as-

    Simulated Work-as- Prescribed Work-as- Imagined Work-as- Disclosed Work-as- Instructed personal social & cultural political societal legal & regulatory economic temporal physical & environ- mental procedural organis- ational technol- ogical inform- ational Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0
  5. Work-as-Imagined Work-as-Done humanisticsystems.com Work-as-Prescribed The Messy Reality Describe about a

    situation where work-as-done is not as-prescribed Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0 http://bit.ly/TAOHW1
  6. Work-as-Imagined Work-as-Done humanisticsystems.com Work-as-Prescribed Ignorance & Fantasy Describe a situation

    where current work-as-imagined is not as-done Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0 http://bit.ly/TAOHW4
  7. Work-as-Imagined Work-as-Done humanisticsystems.com Work-as-Prescribed Defunct Describe a situation where work-as-

    prescribed is not as-done Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0 http://bit.ly/TAOHW7
  8. Work-as-Imagined Work-as-Done humanisticsystems.com Work-as-Prescribed Congruence Describe a situation where work-as-

    done is as-prescribed. It may or may not be as-imagined by others. Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0 http://bit.ly/TAOHW2
  9. Work-as-Done humanisticsystems.com Work-as-Disclosed Taboo Describe a situation where work-as- done

    is not as-disclosed, nor usually as-prescribed, nor usually as-imagined by others? Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0 http://bit.ly/TAOHW3
  10. 1. Goal conflicts 2. Production pressures 3. Systems not-as-planned 4.

    Clumsy technologies 5. Procedural complexity 6. Barriers to feedback 7. Eroding defences 8. Adaptations 9. Compromises & Trade-offs 10.Drift The fallacies of work as imagined | @stevenshorrock

    (the ultimate WAI fallacy) § The fallacy of the system-as-designed § The fallacy of technical rationality § The fallacy of the magic bullet See also http://bit.ly/HSWaIS
  12. 1.Understand work-as-done (WAD) in context 2.Collaborate on work-as-imagined (WAI) 3.Co-design

    prototype work-as-prescribed (WAP) 4.Implement incrementally in work-as-done 5.Test WAI and WAP against WAD 6.Repeat above until WAI-WAP-WAD gap acceptable 7.Monitor WAI-WAP-WAD gap Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/2ajEAFt DESIGNING FOR WORK-AS-DONE
  13. Seven Friends of Intervention Acceptance of uncertainty Expertise & involvement

    Research Listening & observing Human-centred, activity-focused design Multiple perspectives & thick descriptions Systems methods Image: whereisemil CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/tQcpYy http://bit.ly/SSFaF4 www.humanisticsystems.com