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Reflections on the Practice of Human Factors

Reflections on the Practice of Human Factors

In this webinar, I reflected on 25 years of practice in aviation and other sectors, and pick out some key lessons from experience, which are typically not taught in University. The lessons are critical to the success of Human Factors in practice.

The post selects and combines some of the (25) lessons from here:

Presented as a EUROCONTROL Safety and Human Performance Webinar on 5 April 2023. Webinar recording here: https://learningzone.eurocontrol.int/ilp/pages/mediacontent.jsf?mediaId=19376136&catalogId=896431&menuId=1106


April 05, 2023

More Decks by StevenShorrock

Other Decks in Business


  1. Can you think of a situation where relationships were the

    critical factor to the progress, or difficulty, of a project?
  2. Complicated, safety- critical, technology and processes Complicated standards, methods and

    tools Quality of relationships is the most potent influence on change
  3. Can you think of a situation where an important stakeholder

    was not properly considered in a project?
  4. Many stakeholders are affected or have influence And many are

    not seen ‘User’-centred design and UX often individualistic
  5. Government Public Judiciary Media Planning Design & Engineering Management Operational

    Staff Researchers HR , Training Safety, Health Quality, Env. Regulators Suppliers COMPANY INDUSTRY SOCIETY Unions & Associations Insurers
  6. How can we recognise the missing stakeholders for a given

    application? What stakeholders do we need to involve for wider impact?
  7. Can you think of a situation where you felt that

    your profession or group was insular or disconnected?
  8. All change – no matter how technical – happens through

    relationships Most opportunities can be found in the interfaces Change is likely to happen by collaborating with people ‘different’ to yourself
  9. Photo: Clement127 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/qmZ7hw “Every community, every peer

    group, every affinity group, has this invisible boundary that says to the world ‘these are the people who are in, and these are the folks who are out.’” Cormac Russell
  10. The boundaries and limits of groups Déformation professionnelle and trained

    incapacity Problems and opportunities at the boundaries
  11. Who might we connect with to dissolve boundaries? How can

    we develop cultural fluidity or identify natural connectors? What approaches might help explore the edges?
  12. Yin – Consultant as Artist Yang – Consultant as Scientist

    Soft focus Hard focus Inner world-directed Outer world-directed Explores through experience Applies theories Attuned to feelings & intuitions Attuned to thoughts & senses Attends to the relational dance Attends to boundaries & rules Concerned with being Concerned with doing Expresses & creates Diagnoses & tabulates Mulligan and Barber (2001, in Sadler, Ed)
  13. Objective observer/reflector Process counselor Fact finder Alternative identifier & linker

    Joint problem solver Trainer/educator Informational expert Advocate Lippitt and Lippitt (1986)
  14. Implementers | Naïve Enthusiasts Promotors | Oversimplifying Popularisers Innovators |

    Gooroos Critics | Curmudgeons Benjamin Taylor Steven Shorrock
  15. How can we identify the roles we are playing? When

    and how do we transition roles? What roles are we neglecting?
  16. Can you think of a way in which the principles

    and practices of Human Factors can be extended further within a system?
  17. Government Public Judiciary Media Planning Design & Engineering Management Operational

    Staff Researchers HR , Training Safety, Health Quality, Env. Regulators Suppliers COMPANY INDUSTRY SOCIETY Unions & Associations Insurers
  18. How can we have greater influence throughout a system of

    interest? How can we retain contact with or competency in day-to-day HF practice?
  19. Can you think of a situation where your or others’

    HF work could be communicated more effectively?
  20. Practice ≠ technical rationality Practice is craft embedded in multiple

    contexts Translation is critical yet neglected
  21. How can we use art to engage imagination, elicit feelings,

    and make communication memorable? How can we make it easier to understand HF concepts, theories and findings, without oversimplifying?
  22. “One of the greatest pains to human nature is the

    pain of a new idea.” Walter Bagehot
  23. It’s important to think critically and challenge established concepts. Exploring

    the practical value of new concepts takes time. Old concepts can provide a foot in the door. It pays to be pragmatic and integrative.
  24. How can we constructively challenge concepts and communication? How can

    we accept criticism and challenge constructively?
  25. Can you think of a situation where an intervention seems

    to be done to people rather than with them?
  26. How can we communicate the modes? How can we recognise

    the most effective mode for a given situation? How can we avoid getting caught up in the drama triangle?
  27. Can you think of a situation where there was a

    loss of contact with the real work?
  28. Work-as-Done Work-as- Analysed Work-as- Measured Work-as- Judged Work-as- Observed Work-as-

    Simulated Work-as- Prescribed Work-as- Imagined Work-as- Disclosed Work-as- Instructed Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0
  29. Work-as-Done Work-as- Analysed Work-as- Measured Work-as- Judged Work-as- Observed Work-as-

    Simulated Work-as- Prescribed Work-as- Imagined Work-as- Disclosed Work-as- Instructed personal social & cultural political societal legal & regulatory economic temporal physical & environ- mental procedural organis- ational technol- ogical inform- ational Image: Steven Shorrock CC BY-NC 4.0
  30. How can we stay close to work as done? What

    proxies do we need to combine to do so?
  31. Can you think of a situation where your or a

    colleague’s wellbeing has been affected by HF work?
  32. How can we use recognise our limits, and needs, as

    well as our gifts? How can we seek and provide support?