Resilience engineering and Safety-II have emerged as credible perspectives and approaches to tackle some of the fundamental problems faced by societies, organisations and teams. Building on complexity science, systems theory, human factors engineering, and other established disciplines, the approaches have both strong theoretical and practical validity. But - as with prior disciplines - both come with particular challenges for practitioners, who act in a milieu that is not always conducive to straightforward practical application. This talk will explore some of these challenges - and opportunities - with experiences from practitioners in aviation, healthcare and WebOps, at different levels, from intergovernmental organisations to team activity.
Shorrock, S. (2021, June). Invited Keynote: So what should we do? Challenges for resilience engineering and safety-II in practice. Joint initiative – 15th Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making and 9th Symposium on Resilience Engineering. 21-24th June 2021.