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Instant Loading

March 20, 2016

Instant Loading

PWA Roadshow London & Bangalore


March 20, 2016

More Decks by Surma

Other Decks in Technology


  1. “Every step you make a user perform before they get

    value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” http://blog.gaborcselle.com/2012/10/every-step-costs-you-20-of-users.htm
  2. “Every step you make a user perform before they get

    value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” http://blog.gaborcselle.com/2012/10/every-step-costs-you-20-of-users.htm 1. Install
  3. “Every step you make a user perform before they get

    value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” http://blog.gaborcselle.com/2012/10/every-step-costs-you-20-of-users.htm 1. Install ✅
  4. “Every step you make a user perform before they get

    value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” http://blog.gaborcselle.com/2012/10/every-step-costs-you-20-of-users.htm 1. Install ✅ 2. Loading 3. ???
  5. Goals 1. Don’t be big 2. Only download what you

    need 3. Only download what changed
  6. goo.gl/hPLUqB Library Size Compressed size Compression ratio jquery-1.11.0.js 276 KB

    82 KB 70% jquery-1.11.0.min.js 94 KB 33 KB 65% angular-1.2.15.js 729 KB 182 KB 75% angular-1.2.15.min.js 101 KB 37 KB 63% bootstrap-3.1.1.css 118 KB 18 KB 85% bootstrap-3.1.1.min.css 98 KB 17 KB 83%
  7. <img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw, (max-width: 50em) 50vw, calc(33vw - 100px)"

    srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w, swing-400.jpg 400w, swing-800.jpg 800w, swing-1600.jpg 1600w" src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing"> goo.gl/Aev18k
  8. Defer iFrames <iframe data-src="https://example.com"></iframe> <iframe data-src="https://another.example.com"></iframe> <script> document.addEventListener('load', () =>

    { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('iframe')) .forEach(iframe => iframe.src = iframe.dataset.src); }); </script>
  9. • Compression • Smaller images ◦ Multi-sized images ◦ Multi-format

    images • Reduce Round Trips ◦ Redirects ◦ Preconnect/Prefetch • Be interactive ◦ async/defer scripts ◦ Lazy-load CSS ◦ Regioning CSS ◦ Defer iFrames • Good caching ◦ Cache forever or not at all ◦ Hash in names • CDNs • HTTP/2