Why is it important? How does it happen? How does it happen? How does it happen? What is innovation? Why is it important? How does it happen? How does it happen? How does it happen?
about Something I have experienced, learned about Something I’d like to get better at HARD. Something I enjoy Something I care about Something I have experienced Something I’d like to get better at
ideas are not enough: no impact, no innovation everyone can do something different that has impact ‘the best way to do something big is to start small’
management • Eliminate waste (products no-one wants) • Reduce risk of failure through validated learning • Be accountable for your innovation • Build-measure-learn
minimum viable product Measure – using real-world feedback Learn – validated learning Decide – pivot or persevere minimise time through the loop The minimum viable product allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort