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Internationalization Done Right

Internationalization Done Right

In this presentation I introduce the concept of internationalization, localization, and their benefits. By highlighting how culture influences the user’s behaviour, I explain why we need to do more than just “making things translatable”.

I18N has a massive impact on user acceptance and usability. I show existing tools, interfaces, and best practices to get internationalization and localization right in the UIs we create and the code we write.

Pascal Birchler

May 13, 2017

More Decks by Pascal Birchler

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The process of creating a product in such a way

    that it can be easily adapted to specific local languages and cultures Internationalization
  2. The process of adapting a product or service to a

    particular language, culture, and desired local “look-and-feel.” Localization
  3. function translateIt( $str ) { // Do something. } __(

    'Foo' ); // ✓ translateIt( 'Bar' ); // ☓ __( 'Baz' ); // ✓
  4. if ( $num == 1 ) printf( __( '%d item'

    ), $num ) else printf( __( '%d items' ), $num )
  5. printf(_n('%d item', '%d items', 1), 1) printf(_n('%d item', '%d items',

    2), 2) printf(_n('%d item', '%d items', 5), 5)
  6. 1. Don’t make assumptions 2. Understand cultural values 3. i18n

    from the beginning 4. Don’t reinvent the wheel