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Achieving repeatable, extensible and self serve...

Achieving repeatable, extensible and self serve infrastructure

Tasdik Rahman

November 16, 2019

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  1. 2 tasdikrahman.me @tasdikrahman • Product Engineer @ Gojek • Contributor

    to oVirt • Backpacker • Weekend chef • Chelsea FC!!
  2. “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not

    so” - Galileo 16 Credits: biography.com
  3. Problems with the earlier solutions 35 • Multiple ways around

    building and using automation • Managing dependencies for the automation. Eg: people using gcloud/AWS
  4. Problems with the earlier solutions 36 • Lack of convention

    leading to meagre contributions to automation from devs. • Adhoc way of managing access to tools like terraform, knife leading to stray accidents. • No central platform for automation.
  5. 42

  6. 43

  7. 60

  8. Teams managing and provisioning their own infra with our best

    practices baked in terraform modules 64