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Using the Marketing Playbook to Score Better L&...

Mike Taylor
October 24, 2022

Using the Marketing Playbook to Score Better L&D Results

Learning professionals and marketers are competing for the same thing: Attention. Without it, we can’t get people to think and act in new ways.

Marketers have been much more successful than learning professionals in terms of connecting, drawing us into their products and services, and creating meaningful interactions. Savvy marketers understand that tapping into the psychology of emotions sparks engagement in today’s hyper-distracted world.

That’s a mindset learning professionals need now more than ever!

Mike Taylor

October 24, 2022

More Decks by Mike Taylor

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  1. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Campaign Steps Track success Create and promote

    campaign Create visuals Develop clear message I.D. touchpoints & milestones Define target audience Set campaign goals
  2. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 1.1 Before we proceed, choose an area

    or topic where you would like to create a learner campaign. It could be a current project or an upcoming one, big or small. 1.2 What are three learner goals and three overall campaign goals you want to achieve? 10 Minutes
  3. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Why You Should Buy Our Hamburgers: •

    They taste really good • We make them any way you want • We make them fresh • They are inexpensive • We have free kids toys • We have restaurants in lots of places
  4. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket CONSCIOUS ___________________________ LOGICAL SUBCONSCIOUS _______________________________________ EMOTIONAL 11,000,000

    bits of data per second 40 bits of data per second Newer Weaker Tires easily Not automatic Older (Lizard Brain) Most dominant Always on Automatic The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size by Tor Norretranders
  5. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Supercomputer loaded with a database

    of programmed behaviors https://www.brucelipton.com/resource/interview/romp-through-the-quantum-field
  6. most are acquired by time we are 6 YEARS OLD

    #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  7. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket What we see, hear, feel, or experience

    in our first encounter with something colors how we process the rest of it. https://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/headlines-change-way- think
  8. Our automatic, subconscious reaction to a design influences how we

    perceive its relevance, credibility, and even usability. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  9. Our unconscious mind can form likes or dislikes before the

    conscious mind even knows what is being responded to. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  10. Inattentional blindness: Our intuition is that we will notice something

    that's that visible, that's that distinctive, and that intuition is consistently wrong. – Daniel Simons Invisible Gorilla #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  11. Can I eat it? Can I have sex with it?

    Will it kill me? #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  12. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t

    take it personally… nobody wants to read anything.
  13. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 1. Streamline your message Focus it and

    pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form.
  14. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t

    take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to- understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a person would have to be crazy NOT to read it.
  15. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t

    take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to- understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do.
  16. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t

    take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to- understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do. 3. Make it Visual!
  17. The human mind does not run on logic any more

    than a horse runs on petrol. Rory Sutherland Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK @rorysutherland #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  18. The first second with your content might matter more than

    all the seconds that follow. (if there are any) #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  19. Grab & hold their attention! (never assume you have it)

    #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  20. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…

    (TOP DOWN) EMPLOYEE-LED (BOTTOM-UP) Human Experience 2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trend Report Experience should be bottom-up and personal

    (TOP DOWN) EMPLOYEE-LED (BOTTOM-UP) Human Experience 2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trend Report Employee Engagement Human Experience Work/Life Balance Employee Experience Am I making a difference? When experience is bottom-up and personal, it becomes focused on “human experience”
  23. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Meaning at Work MEANING AT WORK WORK

    Worker Work Environment Impact on Aspirations
  24. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Learner Personas • Representation of your typical

    learner • Fictitious character • Supports human-centered design • 3-5 personas are ideal
  25. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Learner Personas • Become more aware of

    your audience • Meet learners’ needs based on their preferences • Share the right content, at the right time, and at the right place • Increase engagement and productivity

    PERSONAS • Interviews (learners, managers, other stakeholders) • Observations • Use of data Learner Persona Creation • Common threads • Similarities • Trends • Excel and PowerPoint • Brainstorming in design thinking sessions • Confirm with learners
  27. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Name: Apima Barsar Age: 26 Location: London

    Tenure: 1 year Role: Administrative Assistant Education: B.S. Goal: Manage a team Tech-savviness: high Interests: running and reading Best time to learn: early in the morning Access training through: any digital format Other: English is her second language SEE HEAR DO THINK/FEEL She is overwhelmed by the large volume of work. She just doesn’t have time to learn new skills at work. She needs a more flexible schedule. Her child is her priority right now. She hears from others that feel equally overwhelmed and miss flexibility on how they can access training, especially when they need it. Daily focuses on tasks and keeping operations running smoothly. Apima is a valued member of her team. She is taking classes online because it provides flexibility for her family-focused life. Overwhelmed by trying to keep up with multiple request and competing timelines. Frustrated by the training she has gotten because she doesn’t understand how it relates to her role or future roles. Example Pain Points • Her manager isn’t available as much as she would like • She doesn’t know where to go to learn new skills to help her reach her goal • Too many different sources and it’s hard to distinguish what’s worth her time • Not enough open communication within her core team • Too much gossip Needs • More guidance from her manager • Dedicated time to learn • People to stop talking and act, follow-through on accountabilities
  28. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Name: Location: Tenure: Role: Education: Goals/Aspirations: Tech-savviness:

    Interests: Best time to learn: Access training through: Other: SEE HEAR DO THINK/FEEL • What does their work environment look like? • Who are their peers, coworkers, and friends? • What would they see when it comes to the work environment, and learning specifically? • What do they hear in their work environment about others’ pain points in general • And what do they hear when it comes to learning and learning solutions specifically? • What are their common tasks? • What would they do while using a learning solution? (where do they go, are they focused on the learning or do they multitask, etc.) • What are they thinking and feeling when they are faced with challenges at work? • What are they thinking and feeling when they take learning? • What is their attitude towards learning provided? Pain Points • What are some of the pain points in their daily work life right now? • Why is this a pain point? • What can’t they do because of this pain point? • Who or what stands in their way to perform the best they can in their role? Needs • What do they need in order to solve their pain points? • Who or what can help them perform at the level they want to be at? • Is it something they can provide, or is it something the organization has to provide? • What do they need to reach their goal?
  29. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Name: Location: Tenure: Role: Education: Goals/Aspirations: Tech-savviness:

    Interests: Best time to learn: Access training through: Other: SEE HEAR DO THINK/FEEL • What does their work environment look like? • Who are their peers, coworkers, and friends? • What would they see when it comes to the work environment, and learning specifically? • What do they hear in their work environment about others’ pain points in general • And what do they hear when it comes to learning and learning solutions specifically? • What are their common tasks? • What would they do while using a learning solution? (where do they go, are they focused on the learning or do they multitask, etc.) • What are they thinking and feeling when they are faced with challenges at work? • What are they thinking and feeling when they take learning? • What is their attitude towards learning provided? Pain Points • What are some of the pain points in their daily work life right now? • Why is this a pain point? • What can’t they do because of this pain point? • Who or what stands in their way to perform the best they can in their role? Needs • What do they need in order to solve their pain points? • Who or what can help them perform at the level they want to be at? • Is it something they can provide, or is it something the organization has to provide? • What do they need to reach their goal?
  30. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 5 Minutes 2.1 What are some personas

    you could create for your organization, and who are other stakeholders in the mix that you need to think about?
  31. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Tips and Tricks • Use personas for

    larger transformational projects or ongoing programs • Have a scribe and interviewer in the room when you talk to your learners • Make sure you capture a diverse audience, including gender neutral personas
  32. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Align personas to your design • Make

    them come to life by referring to them by their name • Ask your questions about them: “What would Apima think?” • Remember their personality when you write (tone and voice)
  33. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 2.2 Create one learner persona that would

    be part of the training initiative you thought about earlier. 20 Minutes
  34. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Key Takeaways Go beyond a simple target

    audience analysis and identify true learner needs and emotions 1 It’s worth the time and investment to create various options for learning solutions for ongoing or large transformational programs 2 3-5 personas are ideal, keep diversity in mind, and always confirm personas with your learners 3
  35. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  36. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Learner Journeys Learner Journey or Learner Experience

    View Curriculum View Topic View 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 A B C D 5 A B C D
  37. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 3.1 What are touchpoints and milestones (or

    tasks) you want your learners to go through? Refer to the learner persona you created previously. 10 Minutes
  38. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 1 LEARN SOMETHING FOR THE FIRST TIME

  39. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 1 LEARN SOMETHING FOR THE FIRST TIME

    2 LEARN MORE OF SOMETHING 3 APPLY & REFINE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED 4 ADJUST TO CHANGE 5 REACT TO FAILURE 5 Moments of Need 2-3 weeks before system rollout WHEN WHAT Micro-video or WBT Overview System 1 week before system rollout Interactive job aid System rollout Wiki page, help desk Asked to complete a new task Tool tips Error message in system Help desk and Wiki page
  40. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket IDEAS Welcome email Announcements Highlights of week/month

    Industry Trends Interview an expert Sneak peek Making of/ behind the scenes New features/ updates Company/ Department News Events calendar Past events recap/hightlights Guides & tutorials ????? Support Communities of Practice Ideas & tips Survey Campaign Example
  41. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Kick-off Session Email 1 Email 2 Opened

    No Email 1 Email 3 Yes Closing Session Email 3 Opened No Email 2 Yes Chatbot Chatbot Campaign Example
  42. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 3.2 Using either the learner journey template

    or the marketing funnel, create your learners’ journey. Keep the 5 Moments of Need in mind, as well as learner emotional states. What interactions will they participate in? Tie it back to your goals as well. 20 Minutes
  43. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Key Takeaways Creating a campaign follows similar

    steps to creating any other training, from setting goals all the way to measuring success 1 For best campaign outcomes, you should have overall campaign goals and learner goals 2 Campaigns allow you to increase awareness through various delivery channels and drip content over time 3
  44. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  45. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket “IF YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT SIMPLY, YOU

    DON’T UNDERSTAND IT WELL.” - Albert Einstein
  46. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket If this transition has been an enjoyable

    experience, we would greatly appreciate your unbiased feedback for us on Amazon…
  47. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket can’t skim call to action is buried

    confusing and jargon-y link isn’t clickable
  48. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket just wanted to check in “less than

    30 seconds” If you think we’ve done a good job… whitespace
  49. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 8 of 10 people will read headline

    copy 2 of 10 people will read the rest TITLES/ HEADLINES ARE IMPORTANT
  50. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Key Takeaways Write for a Grade 4

    reading level 1 Ensure text is easy to skim; use whitespace 2 Write strong headlines to engage your learners from the get-go 3
  51. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Letting visuals carry the story forward is

    a great way to grasp at the emotions of somebody…
  52. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket …and the purest forms of visual communication

    end up coming across when you have something that drives with EMOTION FIRST and text second
  53. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Blocks of Text Data inside typical text

    blocks isn’t as impactful as it could be. https://killervisualstrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Visual- Communication-Storytelling-Redesigned-ebook-FINAL.pdf
  54. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Visual Communication Represent the same info in

    a more accessible, graphical way https://killervisualstrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Visual-Communication-Storytelling-Redesigned-ebook-FINAL.pdf
  55. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket People can follow instructions 323% better when

    visuals are used https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02765184
  56. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket A simple closed shape in Euclidean geometry.

    It is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the center; equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from a given point is constant.
  57. Our automatic, subconscious reaction to a design influences how we

    perceive its relevance, credibility, and even usability. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  58. The alternative to good design is always bad design. Adam

    Judge #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  59. Movement Human Faces Stories There’s a Special Part of the

    Brain Just for Recognizing Faces Nancy Kanwisher (1997) #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  60. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Key Takeaways Use visuals to carry the

    message and lead with emotions first, text second 1 Visual communication allows you to represent the same info in a more accessible, graphical way 2 Our brains process visuals much faster than text 3
  61. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  62. “You don’t have to create content day in and day

    out. You just have to work on getting the content you already have in the hands of more people” Derek Halpern #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  63. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Original Ebook • 1 eBook • 1

    infographic • 2 whitepapers • 1 video • 1 guest blog post • 15 blog posts on the Marketeer • 1 SlideShare presentation • 3 unique landing pages • 3 outbound email campaigns • 4 original photos • 90+ socials posts 122+ items
  64. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Repurposing a blog post into an infographic

    a report into a presentation slide deck a presentation slide deck into a print brochure a blog post into an ebook an infographic into a social media image a social media image into a header for an email newsletter a ______________________ into a ______________________
  65. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Infographics Infographics deliver research in an easy-to-

    understand, visual layout. *most-shared type of content https://coschedule.com/blog/social-media-content
  66. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket What could you repurpose as an audiogram?

    Audiograms Audiograms bridge the audio and visual gap by letting you share audio clips of your content set to an image and waveform. https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/podcast-audiograms-tips
  67. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 6.1 Consider how you might repurpose existing

    content. 6.2 Brainstorm promotional elements. Pick your top 3 ideas. 15 Minutes
  68. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  69. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Why Email? Quick & Easy to implement

    No additional technology / ecosystem Inexpensive Can start for FREE! Super cheap Automated Can create a schedule that runs itself #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  70. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Why Email? Mobile Friendly No additional technology

    / ecosystem Analytics Who did / didn’t open / click Adaptive Can be triggered by a variety of events, dates, and learner actions. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  71. Be Concise & Focus Your Message Most people spend less

    than 15 seconds reading marketing emails, so keep it short and sweet, prioritizing your content from top to bottom. Consider breaking multiple messages into a series of emails. Link out If you have a lot of information to convey, link to a page on your website (or someone else's website) where subscribers can learn more. Use a hierarchy to organize for quick reading Headings & bullets divide content into sections that are easy to understand. Make room Use plenty of white space to give your content some breathing room and make your design more approachable.
  72. Email Marketing Tools Drip, Sendloop, Customer.io, BombBomb, Vision6, Quickmail, Vero,

    ConvertKit, Gumroad, and Knowtify. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  73. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Imagine writing a set of emails just

    once that is sent to different people at different times when they need it most.
  74. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Drip Three Ways to Use Them These

    options put you in control of who gets what and when. Scheduled Adaptive
  75. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Save time by scheduling emails to coordinate

    with a specific date and time. Scheduled How could you use this type?
  76. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 15 Minutes 7.1 Let’s get logged into

    MailerLite and get our hands on discovering how easy it is to create great looking emails. As we saw earlier, first impressions are super important. So, we’ll start by creating a welcome email.
  77. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Also known as an automated email series

    a drip campaign sends prewritten messages to a selected group over a specific amount of time. Drip How could you use this type?
  78. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Source: https://blog.upscope.io/29-companies-show-you-their-best-onboarding- emails/ Welcome/ Onboarding Campaigns You’ll

    never have more attention than your initial email. Investing a little time in a great welcome email is worth it to get your relationships off on the right foot.
  79. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Source: https://blog.upscope.io/29-companies-show-you-their-best-onboarding- emails/ Email Courses When you

    produce great content and people actually anticipate seeing it in their inbox, you have a major win. Vero says that course emails have an open rate 80% higher than regular emails, and a 300% higher click-through rate to boot.
  80. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Adjust to behavior so you can optimize

    emails for a customized experience. Adaptive How could you use this type?
  81. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Dynamic Content Sending different emails using dynamic

    content Content changes based: • Learner’s job/role • Action taken
  82. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Sometimes we like to over complicate learning...but

    this is one of the best examples of learning I’ve seen for a long time. I’m due a password change soon - so my business auto send useful info (#PerformanceSupport). No LMS - No tracking - just simple, easy learning! Nick Lee @N1ckL33
  83. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Key Takeaways There are three ways to

    use email: scheduled, drip, and adaptive 1 Use dynamic content to change content based on the recipient’s (contact) information 2 Get started with any of the free email tools and ensure you always tie your emails back to your goals 3
  84. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Why Measure? Measurement connects everything and helps

    us: • Drive alignment right from the start • Establish business measures of success • Guide the development of aligned content • Provide “in-process” measures for continuous improvement • Prove and improve the impact and value of learning
  85. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Measurement Map™️ Training Regimen Squat Press Weight

    Resting Heart Rate Daily Caloric Intake Hours of Sleep / Night Daily Diet Consecutive Pull-ups Working Heart Rate Reaction Time Weight % Body Fat Range of Motion/Flex Breaths/ Lap 2 (etc.) Strokes/ Lap 2 (etc.) Takeoff Time from Touch Strokes/ Lap 1 Breaths/ Lap 1 Earn Spot on Olympic Team Investment Leading Indicators Business Results Strategic Goals Olympic Gold Medal 200m Freestyle < 1:45 min 200m Butterfly < 1:56 min 400m Medley < 4:15 min 100m Relay < 51.00 min … a causal chain of evidence
  86. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket 5 Minutes 8.1 Go back to your

    learner journey and goals and identify how you want to measure your campaign’s success.
  87. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Finish That Sentence I learned… I’m beginning

    to think that… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  88. Send a letter to your future self! Send a letter

    to yourself with 1-3 things from today that you want to remember or do: futureme.org #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket
  89. #DevLearn22 @biancabaumann @tmiket Evaluations in App Use the email address

    you used to register for the conference. devlearn.com/app