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How Jogja Become City of GNU/Linux User Friendly

Estu Fardani
August 11, 2018

How Jogja Become City of GNU/Linux User Friendly

Here my slides when attend openSUSE Asia Summit 2018, at Taipei, Taiwan

Estu Fardani

August 11, 2018


  1. Estu Fardani @tuanpembual [email protected] How Jogja Become City of GNU/Linux

    User Friendly Success Story How Promote GNU/Linux at University Level
  2. About Me • Master BE & DevOps at Binar Academy

    • Release Manager at BlankOn Linux 11 Uluwatu • Ex DevOps at Peentar.id • Ex DevOps at GO-JEK • Former Chief of KPLI Jogja(Jogja LUG) (2012-2014) • Former member KSL KUSUKA (Linux study club) (2010-2014)
  3. Jogja City at a glance • Land area = around

    70 km2 inner ring-road • More than 16 IT Universities
  4. GNU/Linux at Jogja • Starting Nov 1998 • Some student

    from various campus, create regular meeting to learn GNU/Linux
  5. GNU/Linux at Jogja • Name of this group is KPLI

    (Kelompok Pengguna Linux Indonesia) or Indonesia Linux User Group (LUG)
  6. GNU/Linux at Jogja • Each province create similar LUG; KPLI

    Bogor, KLAS, KPLI Jakarta etc • Then each campus create a Linux Study Club (KSL) • LUG work as parent of each Linux Study Club • KPLI Jogja have 18 Linux Study Club from 16 Universities
  7. GNU/Linux Study Club and Distribution • Each GNU/Linux Study Club

    have their preference about what distro their using as their identity. But it is not absolute. Some student choose to use difference distro, to make them more cool. :D • Their preference distro will be using at University Course • And member GNU/Linux Study Club will be as a assistant at computer lab
  8. GNU/Linux Study Club and their own Distribution • Some GNU/Linux

    Study Club have their own GNU/Linux distribution, custom needs, using remastersys (that year 2010-2012) • University support GNU/Linux Study Club with provide server to host repository (mostly ubuntu, fedora, 32 bit that year *) and ISO Image. Some only available on intranet. • Repo.ugm.ac.id with Ugos • Tawon.amikom.ac.id with Amigos • Onta.uin-suka.ac.id with Uinux
  9. Why they create LUG or GNU/Linux Study Club? • 2010,

    Internet speed at Yogyakarta around 128kbs - 1mbps • Internet still expensive, still depend with University internet • To many error, they need people to ask for solving • Portable repository using external hard disk (250 GB is owsom!!) • Some people success solving the error, and hope to share to each other
  10. KPLI and the Event • We create to difference concept

    of event and name it ◦ JEMUAH-NG Weekly meeting to discussion tech related (konsole base) ◦ Malioboro KPLI Jogja Monthly meeting to discussion non-tech related (to promote GNU/Linux with the simple way) • Each event will take difference venue, sometime at University class, sometime at Cafe or public space and maybe parking space. Only need power plug and free wifi access
  11. KPLI and the Event • KPLI held Linux Bootcamp •

    Material will be ◦ GNU/Linux Fundamental ◦ GNU/Linux Administration ◦ How to remastering GNU/Linux • Join Local Upstream Distribution ◦ BlankOn Linux ◦ IGN Nusantara
  12. Create more events regularly • Release Party ◦ Each distro

    will release each year, some distro twice ◦ Ask senior, former KPLI to be speaker ◦ 2-5 people as organizer, create poster and start • Testing new technology, server, database, firewall etc ◦ Mini conference ◦ Paid event, 1-5 USD • Because it is very easy to bring people ◦ 18 KSL with minimum 20 members
  13. Where openSUSE? Ask Edwin. :D • Starting from school •

    Elementary program | One School one Lab. • Vocational School as Lab and as Curriculum TKJ, debian 6 • Teacher from their school, Create group, monthly meeting
  14. Startup ERA | 2015 • Internet more faster and cheap,

    1-10 mbps • Hunting Indie Product for company ◦ Indigo fellowship • Coworking space, virtual office ◦ JDV • Member KSL start make their startup dreams • Big startup and Unicorn start create office at Jogja ◦ GO-JEK, Software Seni, Sebangsa, Salestock ◦ Gameloft, etc
  15. But what they do? • Using open source product and

    tool to create apps or service ◦ NodeJS, Ruby, Python, PHP, Golang ◦ NGINX ◦ MariaDB, Postgres ◦ Ofcourse, GNU/Linux as operating system • Digital Ocean start booming ◦ Cheaper vps, using GNU/Linux
  16. Side Effect to community • Offline meeting become rare, no

    regular event. Can be say, dead • Move from milis to sosial media (FB) • Move to chat messaging, all IT community have telegram group • Easy to ask searchengine, stackoverflow, linuxquestion and get answer faster. Do not need real people again.
  17. The Result of Startup ERA • They always use open

    source product • Push new coder to write product using open source product • Using GNU/Linux for daily activity • Some people just using GNU/Linux but they don’t care.
  18. In Binar Academy | binar.co.id • Sometimes I work as

    ◦ Mentor for product class, like Backend, Frontend ◦ Product owner for their research product ◦ Material creator for product class, using scrum, ruby on rails, github, heroku, nodejs, nginx, do on console. • In product class (2 months) ◦ Only GNU/Linux accepted! free to choose distro ◦ Anything else? Please read point 1!
  19. What we learn? • Create many events, regularly until we

    do not need introduce GNU/Linux again • Keep offline meeting, just to drink coffee, to be human • Make long relationship with University, IT Faculty as basis of community. Student have more energy, more time, but less money. Give them experience to create better events (paid events? No problems) • Push your company! :D Kidding? No. Ask Haris.