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Using an Artificial Financial Market for studying a Cryptocurrency Market

June 06, 2017

Using an Artificial Financial Market for studying a Cryptocurrency Market

Research paper readings in my laboratory


June 06, 2017

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    Concas, and Michele Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2015): 1-21. 
  2. 4UZMJ[FEGBDUT ۚ༥Ձ֨શൠʹݟΒΕΔ౷ܭతੑ࣭ n Ձ֨͸୯Ґࠜաఔ τϨϯυ͕ଘࡏ͢Δ n 'BUUBJM n ऩӹ཰ͷ෼෍͸ް͍੄Λ࣋ͭ n

    ϕΩ෼෍Ͱۙࣅ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ n 7PMBUJMJUZ$MVTUFSJOH n มಈͷେ͖͕͞·ͱ·ͬͯݱΕΔ n ࣗݾ૬ؔʹΑΓ֬ೝͰ͖Δ 
  3. 'BUUBJMPO#JUDPJO ෼෍ͷ੄ʹ͓͍ͯϕΩ৐ଇ͕؍ଌ͞ΕΔ  [3]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and Michele Marchesi.

    "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21. [3]
  4. 7PMBUJMJUZ$MVTUFSJOHPO#JUDPJO มಈͷઈର஋ʹ͓͍ͯߴ͍ࣗݾ૬ؔ  変動の自己相関 変動の絶対値の自己相関 [4,5]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and

    Michele Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21. [4] [5]
  5. ΞυϨε਺ͱՁ֨ͷؔ܎  ૬͕ؔ͋ΔҰํɼແؔ܎ͳಈ͖΋ [6]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and Michele Marchesi.

    "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21. [6]
  6. ࣮ݧ݁Ռ มಈͷൺֱ ࠨ ࣮ࡍͷมಈɼʢӈʣγϛϡϨʔγϣϯͷมಈ  [7,8]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and

    Michele Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21. [7] [8]
  7. ࣮ݧ݁Ռ ΤʔδΣϯτ૯ࢿ࢈ͷൺֱ  ૯ࢿ࢈͸΄΅Λҡ࣋ [9]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and Michele

    Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21. [9]
  8. ࣮ݧ݁Ռ n ճͷγϛϡϨʔγϣϯΛ࣮ߦ n มಈ΍ࣗݾ૬ؔ͸ຖճ΄΅ಉҰʢ෇࿥'JH ʣ n ෼෍͸Ϟσϧͱ࣮ଌ஋͸গ͠ҧ͏ Ϟσϧͷؤڧੑ 

    [10]Cocco, Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and Michele Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2015): 1-21. [10]
  9. ·ͱΊ n #JUDPJOࢢ৔Λਓ޻ࢢ৔Ͱ࠶ݱ n ௐ΂ͨݶΓɼ࠷ॳͷࢼΈ n ࢢ৔ͷಛੑΛਖ਼֬ʹϞσϦϯάͰ͖ͨ n Ϟσϧͷಛ௃ n

    छྨͷઓུ n ॳظࢿ࢈͸ϕΩ෼෍ʹै͏ n ݱ࣮తͳऔҾͱՁܾ֨ఆ๏ n ՟ฎൃߦ਺ͷ૿Ճ Ϟσϧʹ͍ͭͯ 
  10. ·ͱΊ n Ձ֨ͷେ෯ͳԼམ͸֎తཁҼ͕େ͖͍ n ֎తཁҼΛՃ͑ͨਓ޻ࢢ৔ͷߏங͕ඞཁ ߟ࡯  [11] [12] [11,12]Cocco,

    Luisanna, Giulio Concas, and Michele Marchesi. "Using an artificial financial market for studying a cryptocurrency market. " Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(2015): 1-21.