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Mobile Apps For Adult Education In India (Prof....

October 25, 2013

Mobile Apps For Adult Education In India (Prof. Ramarao R)

India has initiated a massive Adult Education campaign through Programs like Saakshar Bharathi..Reachability to the target population is a major hurdle to achieve the targets.Mobile connectivity in rural and urban India being large, makes it a viable proposition to adopt it as a platform for delivery through Apps.


October 25, 2013

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  1. Mobile Apps For Adult Education In India Prof. R. Ramarao

    Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management Hyderabad
  2. Adult Education and Saakshar Bharat status Literacy-male-82% & female-65% (2011

    census). Regional disparities exist MHRD introduced Saakshar Bharat Mission(2009) Mission Target : Impart functional literacy to 70 million non-literate adults/409 identified districts/26 States/ UTs of the country As on 2012, 25 million learners identified and only 5.04 lac learning centres covering 2.5 million established. Basic Literacy Primer/Bridge Primers in 26 languages were developed http://mhrd.gov.in/adulteducation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_India http://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/HRD_Portal.pdf
  3. Need for acceleration and Spread Sustainability issues are Long Gestation

    Period and Accessibility Rs.9200crore allocated for the Saakshar Bharat program for first 3 years-3000 crores/year. Actual utilization of funds low ( due to a long gestation period) Provision of Rs. 3600 crore for Saakshar Bharat has been made in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). I million(2011) as against mobile spread 990 million (2011)-8 times TV spread Saakshar Bharat used TV/radio as platform and hence slow paced spread. Solution lies in adopting mobile platform in addition to existing http://www.unesco.org/uil/litbase/?menu=9&programme=132 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_statistics_in_India
  4. Observations and Solutions Parameter Limitation Alternative Solution Existing platforms (TV

    and Radio) Sufficiency in nos. Other media Mobile Platforms can be used in addition to TV and Radio due to its sheer numbers Timeslot of program Flexible/24 x 7 availability Mobility constraints Maximum mobility Not widely spread Maximum spread Accessibility Widely accessible Funds Utilization Low Due to limited coverage Accelerate fund utilization Wider coverage in numbers Individual investment High for TV Affordable platform Mobile phones with Apps.
  5. Action Plan Develop Mobile applications to reach out to target

    masses on mobile phones Technology (2G, 3G and 4G) to be leveraged to make the apps. client friendly to the illiterate and generate interest Spillover effects in the form of CSR and increased mobile markets for hardware as well software Partnership like PPP, Mobile and software developers and Large and MSMEs
  6. Basic Business Model Client GOI (Targets with Funds) Deliverers Mobile

    Service Operators(Connections) Application Software Developers Trainers and Social Networks Beneficiaries (Target Adults in rural and urban India )
  7. Future Potential Unsaturated long term market for mobile operators Unsaturated

    application software market Technology application Corporate Social Responsibility delivered Nation Building Extendable to Adult education world wide Sustainable for next 10 years with innovations Can be replicated to child education platforms later