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Modern Android Testing

Modern Android Testing

A top quality app is one that is well tested. Test verify the behavior you'd expect from the app and prevent regression as it evolves. A spin on the modern android development (MAD), this talk will focus on modern testing tooling and frameworks. You will learn about testing strategies and various types of testing, and tools that you can utilize to empower your testing strategy.

Aung Kyaw Paing

August 01, 2023

More Decks by Aung Kyaw Paing

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  1. Android Testing Program Input Output [ Henry, Nicole, James ]

    “Henry, Nicole and James” Arrange Act Assert
  2. @Test fun `test returns readbale string given a list of

    name` { // Arrange val input = listOf("Henry", "Nicole", "James") val expected = "Henry, Nicole and James" // Act val output = formatNames(input) // Assert assertEqual(expected, output) }
  3. Testing Pyramid Type of Testing closer to real world Slower,

    more $$$ E2E UI Test Integration Test Unit Test Manual Test
  4. Testing Pyramid Type of Testing closer to real world Slower,

    more $$$ A11y Test E2E Test Exploratory Test Smoke Test Screenshot Test Contract Tests Unit Tests Form Factor Tests I18n test Performance Test
  5. Unit Tests Unit Test Test smallest unit of your software.

    A unit could be a function, a class, or a component Sign up Button Login Page Username Text Field Forgot password button Login Component Password Text Field Login Button Input Fields
  6. Unit Tests Unit Test Test smallest unit of your software.

    A unit could be a function, a class, or a component Sign up Button Login Page Username Text Field Forgot password button Login Component Password Text Field Login Button Input Fields
  7. Unit Tests Unit Test Test smallest unit of your software.

    A unit could be a function, a class, or a component Sign up Button Login Page Username Text Field Forgot password button Login Component Password Text Field Login Button Input Fields
  8. class LoginButton( val viewModel: ViewModel ) { val status =

    state("unknown") Button( onClick= { viewModel.login().catch { status = "Failure" } status = "Success" } ) Text(status) }
  9. @Test fun `test login press success state` { // TODO:

    Arrange // Act performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  10. Mocking Test Double Technique to replacing a implementation of its

    dependencies to achieve a behavior you want
  11. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val mockViewModel

    = object: LoginViewModel { fun onLoginClick() { // Do Nothing } } // Act performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  12. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val mockViewModel

    = object: LoginViewModel { fun onLoginClick() { // Do Nothing } } // Act performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") } class LoginButton( val viewModel: ViewModel ) { val status = state("unknown") Button( onClick= { viewModel.login().catch { status = "Failure" } status = "Success" } ) Text(status) }
  13. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val mockViewModel

    = object: LoginViewModel { fun onLoginClick() { // Do Nothing } } // Act render(LoginButton(mockViewModel)) performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  14. val mockViewModel = object: LoginViewModel { fun onLoginClick() { ...

    } fun onSignUpClick() { ... } fun onNavigateBack() { ... } fun onOpenTermsAndConditions() { ... } }
  15. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val mockViewModel

    = object: LoginViewModel { fun onLoginClick() { ... } fun onSignUpClick() { ... } fun onNavigateBack() { ... } fun onOpenTermsAndConditions() { ... } // Act render(LoginButton(mockViewModel)) performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  16. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val mockViewModel

    = mockk<LoginViewModel>() every { mockViewModel.onLoginClick() } answers { // Do Nothing } // Act render(LoginButton(mockViewModel)) performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  17. class LoginViewModel { fun setUserName(username: String) { ... } fun

    setPassword(password: String) { ... } fun onLoginClick() { //... } }
  18. @Test fun `test call login api on press` { val

    mockViewModel = object: LoginViewModel{ fun setUsername(username: String) { ... } fun setPassword(password: String) { ... } fun onLoginClick() { ... } } ... verify(times = 1) { mockLoginApi.execute(...) } }
  19. @Test fun `test call login api on press` { val

    mockViewModel = object: LoginViewModel{ fun setUsername(username: String) { ... } fun setPassword(password: String) { ... } fun onLoginClick() { ... } } ... verify(times = 1) { mockLoginApi.execute(...) } }
  20. Mocking Drawbacks Test Double Every time a dependencies change the

    contract, the test breaks Brittle Implementation Leak A test should avoid testing specific implementation but mocking do exactly that
  21. @Test fun `test login press` { val mockViewModel = object:

    LoginViewModel{ fun setUsername(username: String) { ... } fun setPassword(password: String) { ... } fun onLoginClick() { ... } } ... verify(times = 1) { mockLoginApi.execute(...) } }
  22. Mocking Drawbacks Unit Tests Every time a dependencies change the

    contract, the test breaks Brittle Implementation Leak Too much = Bad A test should avoid testing specific implementation but mocking do exactly that Mocking too much could leads to you not really testing anything at all since everything is a mock
  23. class Auth( networkClient: NetworkClient, userStore: UserStore ) { fun login()

    { val res = networkClient.login() // Save locally userStore.put(res) } } @Test fun `test auth login`() { val auth = Auth( mockNetworkClient mockUserCache ) auth.login() // Assert verify { mockUserCache.put(mockRes) } }
  24. Classicist Approach Unit Tests An approach to inside-out testing where

    we use test doubles(fake) instead of mocks to replicate actual behavior
  25. class LoginButton( val viewModel: ViewModel ) { val status =

    state("unknown") Button( onClick= { viewModel.login().catch { status = "Failure" } status = "Success" } ) Text(status) }
  26. class LoginButton( val viewModel: ViewModel ) { val status =

    state("unknown") Button( onClick= { viewModel.login().catch { status = "Failure" } status = "Success" } ) Text(status) }
  27. class FakeLoginApi: LoginApi { val userList = listOf( User(id=0, name

    = "abc", pass="abc") ) fun login(name : String, pass: String) : User? { return userList.find { user -> user.name == name && user.pass == pass } } }
  28. class FakeLoginApi: LoginApi { val userList = mutabeListOf( User(name =

    "abc", pass="abc") ) fun login(name : String, pass: String) : User? { return userList.find { user -> user.name == name && user.pass == pass } } fun signUp(name: Sring, pass: String) { userList.add(name, pass) } }
  29. @Test fun `test login press success state` { val fakeLoginApi

    = FakeLoginApi() val viewModel = LoginViewModel(fakeLoginApi) // Act render(LoginButton(viewModel)) performClick() // Assert assertIsDisplayed("Success") }
  30. Classicist Tradeoffs Unit Tests Test covers larger areas but missing

    out on details Larger test surface Flakiness Complex setup Fakes often replicate actual behavior, leading to unreliable tests if not used properly (e.g threading) Faking a part of your system is not easy and could take a chunk of your efforts
  31. DEVICE FRAME - PIXELBOOK Mockist or Classicist It’s up to

    whatever approach make your team have confident in shipping your app Good reads: https://martinfowler.com/articles/mocksArentStubs.html https://martinfowler.com/articles/2021-test-shapes.html
  32. Unit Tests Common Mistakes Unit Test More specific tests make

    the tests susceptible to breaking when production code changes with end result still being the same (e.g 5x2 = 10 and 7+3= 10) Testing specific implementation
  33. Unit Tests Common Mistakes Unit Test More specific tests make

    the tests susceptible to breaking when production code changes with end result still being the same (e.g 5x2 = 10 and 7+3= 10) Testing specific implementation Testing libraries’ code Assume libraries are already tested. We should only test the code that we own.
  34. Unit Tests Common Mistakes Unit Test More specific tests make

    the tests susceptible to breaking when production code changes with end result still being the same (e.g 5x2 = 10 and 7+3= 10) Testing specific implementation Testing libraries’ code Testing Configs Assume libraries are already tested. We should only test the code that we own. You are prone to making human mistakes the same way you’d make when writing a config file
  35. Integration Tests Type of Testing Test the interaction between your

    components and the Android system Persistence Storage Notification Scheduler I18n Alarms
  36. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class UserCacheTest { @Test fun `save cache in json"()

    { // Arrange val sharedPref = getContext().sharedPref("user") val user = User() // Act userCache.put(user) // Assert val expected = user.toJson() val actual = sharedPref.get(user) Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual) } }
  37. UI Tests Type of Testing Test and verify your UI

    interactions are correct. Most of the time, these are higher level tests. You’d want to use fakes instead of mocks
  38. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginScreenTest { @Test fun `show success on pressing

    Login`() { // Arrange composeTestRule.setContent { LoginScreen() } // Act composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login").performClick() // Assert composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login Success!").assertIsDisplayed() } }
  39. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginScreenTest { @Test fun `show success on pressing

    Login`() { // Arrange composeTestRule.setContent { LoginScreen() } // Act composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login").performClick() // Assert Espresso.onView(withText("Login Success!")).check(matches(isDisplayed())) } }
  40. src/test/*** src/androidTest/*** Directory for Unit Tests & Robolectric Test Directory

    for instrumentation tests that execute on real devices (or emulators)
  41. src/test/LoginScreenTest.kt @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginScreenTest { @Test fun `show success on

    pressing Login`() { // Arrange composeTestRule.setContent { LoginScreen() } // Act composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login").performClick() // Assert composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login Success!").assertIsDisplayed() } }
  42. src/androidTest/LoginScreenTest.kt class LoginScreenTest { @Test fun `show success on pressing

    Login`() { // Arrange composeTestRule.setContent { LoginScreen() } // Act composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login").performClick() // Assert composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Login Success!").assertIsDisplayed() } }
  43. UI Tests Type of Testing Real Device Fast to run

    Far from real world Slow to run Closet to real world
  44. UI Tests Type of Testing Real Device Fast to run

    Far from real world Slow to run Closet to real world
  45. Gradle Managed Devices Unit Tests Run tests in a scaleable

    way by utilizing gradle to manage the lifecycle of virtual devices. Available for API 27+ 🖥 PC 🐘 Gradle 📱Emulator
  46. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  47. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  48. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  49. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  50. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  51. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } }
  52. android { testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel5api30").apply {

    device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 30 systemImageSource = "google" } } } } }
  53. managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel3api30").apply { ... } maybeCreate<.ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixelTabletApi30").apply {

    ... } } groups { maybeCreate("phoneAndTablet").apply { targetDevices.add(devices["pixel3api30"]) targetDevices.add(devices["pixelTabletApi30"]) } } }
  54. managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel3api30").apply { ... } maybeCreate<.ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixelTabletApi30").apply {

    ... } } groups { maybeCreate("phoneAndTablet").apply { targetDevices.add(devices["pixel3api30"]) targetDevices.add(devices["pixelTabletApi30"]) } } }
  55. managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate<ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixel3api30").apply { ... } maybeCreate<.ManagedVirtualDevice>("pixelTabletApi30").apply {

    ... } } groups { maybeCreate("phoneAndTablet").apply { targetDevices.add(devices["pixel3api30"]) targetDevices.add(devices["pixelTabletApi30"]) } } }
  56. Automated Test Device (ATD) UI Tests Reduces CPU and Memory

    usage by avoiding rendering to a screen. However, it still supports screenshot testing Lightweight Optimized Consistent Apps and services that are not likely to be used are removed to improve performance. It’s still an emulator device and built from the same images, that you use in Android Studio, so test results are consistent across local and CI.
  57. Firebase Test Lab UI Tests Scale your instrumentation tests with

    Firebase test matrix Instrumentation Robo Test Game Loop Automatically run tests as how user would behave with no code Run test in your native game engine
  58. With Gradle Managed Devices Firebase Test Labs An experimental API

    that runs the ATDs on Firebase Test Labs with real devices instead of emulators. Available on Android Studio Canary Build
  59. Screenshot Test Type of Testing Also known as snapshot testing,

    these tests captures a copy of screenshot of the app and matches it against the copy to verify that UI has not broken yet. These tests allow you to iterate faster and make sure it cover edge cases like styling. screenshot-tests-for-android happo.io
  60. E2E Tests Type of Testing Verify user flow is working

    as intended from beginning to end on a real device in a production or production-like environment. This is the most expensive form of testing and most often used as a form of regression testing. Black Box Testing
  61. UIAutomator Type of Testing Testing framework for cross-app testing across

    the system and installed apps. Most modern end-to-end testing frameworks use UIAutomator API underneath the hood.
  62. val device = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()) // Go back to home device.pressHome()

    val gmail: UiObject2 = device.findObject(By.text("Gmail")) // Perform a click and wait until the app is opened. val opened: Boolean = gmail.clickAndWait(Until.newWindow(), 3000) assertThat(opened).isTrue()
  63. appId: com.example.login --- - launchApp - tapOn: "username" - inputText:

    "Aung" - tapOn: "password" - inputText: "abcedfg" - tapOn: "Login"
  64. Firebase Test Lab UI Tests Robo Test Automatically run tests

    as how user would behave with no code
  65. E2E UI Test Integration Test Unit Test Manual Test Robolectric

    Local JUnit, Mockk, Mockito Local Location API
  66. E2E UI Test Integration Test Unit Test Manual Test Espresso,

    Compose UI Test Local through Gradle Managed Device / Firebase Test Lab Robolectric Local JUnit, Mockk, Mockito Local Location API
  67. E2E UI Test Integration Test Unit Test Manual Test UIAutomator,

    Robo Script Real Device / Firebase Test Lab Espresso, Compose UI Test Local through Gradle Managed Device / Firebase Test Lab Robolectric Local JUnit, Mockk, Mockito Local Location API
  68. Firebase App Distribution Manual Testing Streamline your testing process by

    releasing builds through Firebase App Distribution and collect feedback easily
  69. Accessibility test Manual Testing Accessibility, by nature, is a user

    experience and you can’t test user experience with a machine or an automated tool. These should be tested by an individual, preferably a person with disabilities A11y scanner
  70. DEVICE FRAME - PIXELBOOK Checks Make sure your app stay

    compliant and up to date with policy changes in your market Sign up for early access at checks.google.com