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Developer Survey Presentation

Developer Survey Presentation

• Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey is the largest
and most comprehensive survey of people who code
around the world
• Represents current and future technology usage
• Showcases Demographics such as age, gender, countries
• Characterization of developers around the globe

Viraj Parab

July 13, 2023

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  1. OUTLINE • Executive Summary • Introduction • Methodology • Results

    • Visualization – Charts • Dashboard • Discussion • Findings & Implications • Conclusion • Appendix
  2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Data Collection • Methodology • Data Gathering

    • Data Analysis • Data Visualization • Presentation of Results • Overall Findings and Implications • Conclusion
  3. INTRODUCTION • Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey is the largest

    and most comprehensive survey of people who code around the world • Represents current and future technology usage • Showcases Demographics such as age, gender, countries etc. • Characterization of developers around the globe.
  4. METHODOLOGY • Collect Survey Data from various sources such as

    Web Scraping, API, etc • Data Wrangling • EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis) • Data Visualization • Dashboard

    seems to be the top language for now and the future. • Fastest growing language is Python. • Huge fall for HTML/CSS in future. Implications • Python may be used more widely in coming future. • Javascript will still remain the top choice for the coming developers. • HTML/CSS is expected to fall more in the future.

    the top choice as database currently. • PostgreSQL will become more used in the future. • MongoDB took the highest jump and Microsoft SQL took the highest fall. Implications • PostgreSQL might become the top choice for developers in future • MongoDB might also be the another top choice. • Use of Microsoft SQL is becoming low.
  7. OVERALL FINDINGS & IMPLICATIONS Findings • Currently most popular used

    technologies are JavaScript, MySQL, jquery, GCP • In future it might be change to AWS, React, PostgreSQL • Developed countries and male gender have the most developers. Implications • JavaScript will still remain top choice for most developers. • React JS will be more widely used than jquery. • Majority of the developers have bachelor degree.
  8. CONCLUSION • Rise in Web Development along with Javascript and

    its various frameworks such as React, Vue, Typescript. • In future Docker, Linux, AWS might become the top platform used by developers. • Majority of the developers have Bachelor degree. • Python is growing at a faster rate along with its framework Django and Flask.