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SQL For Everything

SQL For Everything

Geoprocessing, Cartography and the Web with PostGIS and CartoDB


May 08, 2013

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  1. Speedy Background • SQL = Structured Query Language • Beloved/BeHated

    by Database Admins • Runs Behind Nearly Everything SQL For Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  2. Ever Fired Up a Computer? You’ve Used SQL. SQL For

    Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  3. So What’s PostGIS? • A spatial extender for the PostgreSQL

    database system • Free as in Speech, Free as in Beer SQL For Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  4. What’s Post-PostGIS? • A parody on Twitter. Pay no mind.

    SQL For Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  5. What’s CartoDB? • A PostGIS environment built for the web

    • “Open-Source Fusion Tables” • Build your own server: https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb20 • Or get a hosted account: http://cartodb.com/ SQL For Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  6. SQL as we know it SQL For Everything - Bill

    Morris - Geosprocket LLC Source: Chicago Crime Commission & Openstreetmap Contributors
  7. SELECT * FROM territory_all WHERE “NAME” LIKE ‘Latin%’ SQL For

    Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC Source: Chicago Crime Commission & Openstreetmap Contributors
  8. SELECT * FROM territory_all WHERE name LIKE ‘Latin%’ SQL For

    Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  9. Geoprocessing in PostGIS SQL For Everything - Bill Morris -

    Geosprocket LLC SELECT ST_Whatever( geoprocess! )
  10. Buffer 500m from the points that fall on Ashland Ave

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  11. This is Familiar SQL For Everything - Bill Morris -

    Geosprocket LLC google.com?q=GIS
  12. Going off the Rails a Bit . . . SQL

    For Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC https://gist.github.com/wboykinm/5533575
  13. A Query Turns This . . . SQL For Everything

    - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC
  14. I’m barely scratching the surface of SQL here. SQL For

    Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC https://gist.github.com/wboykinm/5533575
  15. Because the web wants to see your data SQL For

    Everything - Bill Morris - Geosprocket LLC Why Care?