other words in order for the ego to be a subject, it must internalize a principle of otherness as a consequence of its own desire to be a desiring subject.
of the self/other binary all of our knowledge and actions are rooted in some set of interests that cause the subjects of class, gender, ethnicity & race.
see inclusion as the ongoing, conscious effort to celebrate difference and welcome people of differing backgrounds and life experiences, whether they’re current or prospective employees, partners, or users of our software.” From Diversity and Inclusion page Automattic website
Middleton Community organizer on the WordPress Open Source Project “When WordPress events are more diverse, the WordPress project gets more diverse which makes WordPress better for more people.” wordpress.tv
Binder founder & leader of Diversity Outreach Speaker Training Workshop. > Held in 17 cities > 32 have been trained > 53 have expressed interest in 24 countries. jillbinder.com
is more important on the context of 2019 where you see waves of nationalism, ethnic and religious hate and sexualized discourses are creeping across almost all countries in the world.