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Beyond WordPress – easy WP automation and integ...

Beyond WordPress – easy WP automation and integration with no coding_廖御琪 / Sabrina Liao

As WordPress developers, there comes a time when you wish you can connect the different web apps you use daily or even automate some of the tedious tasks.

Well, thanks to the many great web tools out there, yes indeed you can do that, and with no coding needed.

In this talk, we will look at some of the popular and powerful web tools available, and how you can use them and WordPress together to automate your posting, create leads from form entries, schedule periodically SMS and many more.

WordCamp Taipei

December 28, 2019

More Decks by WordCamp Taipei

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  1. Confidential Customized for Lorem Ipsum LLC Version 1.0 Beyond Word

    Press – easy WP automation and integration with no coding
  2. • Who? • What? • Why? • Which? • Where?

    • How #1 • How #2 • How #3 Agenda
  3. • Develop sites • Manage sites • Maintain social media

    content/accounts • Run online stores or events • Collect Leads • Blog • Influencer Who?
  4. • Have a web presence • Have social media accounts

    • Use any web tools • Want to sync/backup data • Want to build a smart home • Save time from tedious work Who?
  5. • Workflows that connects web apps • Automation that takes

    over manual processes • Trigger/Actions/Filter • Browser tasks, web testing, fill form, data transfer or generate report
  6. • Repetitive, tedious tasks • Minimizes errors • Wins back

    time • Provides more services • Increases income • Prefer not to use plugins (cost, speed & customization) Why?
  7. • Create a Zap • Over 1,500 apps • Limited

    free plan: no Premium apps no Multi-step no Path • Run every 15 min • 100 tasks/5 Zaps Zapier
  8. • Called a scenario • About 360 apps • Ready-to-use

    templates • 1000 operations, 100MB/15 min, unlimited scenarios, access all apps, multisteps/routes Integromat
  9. • Create an applet • Over 600 apps • Totally

    Free • Focus on simplicity • 1-2 step applets • Great for building a smart home • Simply turn on the “connect” button IFTTT
  10. • Over 120 apps • Create a bot • Free

    plan allows: 250 tasks, multi-steps, filters & conditions • But no access to premium/popular apps like Gmail, Salesforce, Woocommerce Automate
  11. Decide what to automate • need to do over and

    over again • do not like to do manually • need to avoid any possibility of errors • need to create periodically Something you
  12. Sketch your workflow Woocommerce order received Notify store (SMS) Notify

    store (E- Mail) Notify buyer (E-Mail invoice) Create coupon for buyer Add order to Google Sheet Update/Generate sales report email coupon to buyer after 2 days Add buyer to MailChimp list
  13. Use Case #01 Great for: • Bloggers • Small business

    • Non-profit organization • Event organizers
  14. Use Case #01 Requirements: • Youtube account • Wordpress site

    • FB Page • Twitter account • IFTTT account • Automate account • Zapier account
  15. Use Case #02 WHO: • Online store • Event site

    • Membership site • Sites with any kind of products
  16. Use Case #02 WHAT: • Woocomemrce site • Twilio account

    • Gmail account • A new Google Sheet with headings • Woocommerce Zapier plugin (Zapier)
  17. Woocommerce order received Notify store (SMS) Notify store (E-Mail) Notify

    buyer (E-Mail) Create buyer coupon Add to Google Sheet Generate sales report Email coupon after 2 days Add buyer to MailChimp list
  18. Use Case #03 WHO: • Charity Sites • Event sites

    • Membership sites • Non-profit organization
  19. Use Case #03 WHAT: • Gravity form (or wpforms) •

    Wordpress site • Google Sheet • Twilio account • Google Cloud Print • Zapier for Gravity form (zapier)
  20. If expired, send renewal SMS Event reminder SMS, 2 days

    before event non-member member Text final headcount to cater Print attendee list on cloud printing
  21. To recap • IFTTT - for simple, single automation •

    Zapier - 1500 apps available for integration • Automate - similar to zapier, but allows multisteps and conditions for free plan • Integromat is great for multisteps, conditions, & filters and do a whole lot with the free plan
  22. The goal for today is to provide you with the

    resources, perspective, and confidence to automate and integrate and MOST IMPORTANTLY - to make your life easier
  23. JUST DO IT!!! Wordpress or non-Wordpress, find something to automate

    and win yourself some extra time to enjoy life. Take away