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RubyMotion - How I learned to like iOS despite ...

RubyMotion - How I learned to like iOS despite Objective-C

First talk of the year for Orlando Ruby User Group (ORUG)

Thom Parkin

January 10, 2013

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Objective-C syntax is bizarre & strange Struggle with nuances of

    XCode Interface Builder is very “GUI” iOS follows MVC [generally] iOS Mobile Development
  2. RubyMotion ‘Toolchain for iOS’ (iPhone/iPad/iPod) NOT PhoneGap or Rhomobile Creates

    statically compiled, native code Fully compliant with App Store guidelines
  3. RubyMotion Familiar environment Ruby*, MVC Tests (MacBacon) Memory Management Ruby

    Gems Rake CLI (Terminal based workflow) *still required to understand structure and syntax of Obj-C
  4. RubyMotion Laurent Sansonetti Creator and lead developer of MacRuby left

    Apple late 2011 HipByte (small team) Made by Rubyists for Rubyists
  5. iOS Mobile Development RubyMotion NSObject is root class Duck typing

    “sensible” dot notation implicit return Only ONE file (.rb)
  6. RubyMotion Purchase RubyMotion (~$200)* license key 1 year software updates

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