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wikipedia page

March 21, 2020

wikipedia page

Best wikipedia service for your business..


March 21, 2020

Other Decks in Business


  1. Wikipedia SEO strategies to optimize your business throughout the internet

    onlinestory.in/wikipedia-seo-strategies-to-optimize-your-business-throughout-the-internet If you know about search engines there is a high chance that you would have noticed by now that Wikipedia results dominate any and every top section in search engines. The reason behind this is the unique algorithm on which Google and other search engines work. Wikipedia is a trusted source of information and most of the people find most of the things written on their web portal to be authentic and true. The reason behind this is that Wikipedia editors are known to be great proofreaders and this is what makes Wikipedia a better source of information than any other portal. Today, in this article we will talk about some great tips and strategies that will help you to enhance the search engine optimization of your online marketing campaigns with the help of Wikipedia pages. But, before we discuss the strategies, first we need to understand some important components of SEO that are general for everything on the internet. Some important content of SEO strategies Wikipedia pages add credibility to your business and firm Wikipedia results cover the top 10 spots on most of the search engine results Wikipedia pages are written while keeping a neutral tone 1/2
  2. An employee is not eligible to write or edit their

    employee’s Wikipedia business page So, these were some of the important factors that you should keep in your mind while getting a Wikipedia page creation for your business. There is a big number of service providers in India who specialize in the creation of Wikipedia pages. This makes the task of shortlisting the perfect fit to work for your needs quite difficult. Things to take into consideration before writing a Wikipedia page There are more than 1,00,000 active volunteers who proofread and check the authenticity of the data updated on the portals of Wikipedia. There are 270 different languages in which these pages are written. So, to make sure that your Wikipedia marketing campaign becomes a success there are some things that you should take into consideration while writing a wiki page or getting a wiki page written. These factors are: Wiki pages should not be asked to be written by relatives or employees. The reason behind this is that Wikipedia has a guideline that the content on their pages should follow a neutral tone which is quite hard to be followed by a person who might appraise or defame your business Keep an eye on Wikipedia presence, if you find any changes or edits in the content on your wiki page make sure to reach out to the editor and resolve the issues if there are any Hiring a professional Wikipedia page writer is the best option because they know all the guidelines and can offer you content that will get appraised by both the Wikipedia and the search engine algorithm Some quick tricks for Wikipedia SEO to enhance your traffic These quick tips will help you to gain great traffic on your Wikipedia page in no time Keep in touch with editors on a worldwide scale to resolve any issues or concerns in a quick and concise manner Links and citation should be on the point as they play a very important role in the overall success of the page Using categories and sub-categories is a great way to make content attractive Never add images that might result in the overlapping of the copyright infringement policy Keep the content as concise and informative as possible because it is not a place for thoughts, people visit Wikipedia to get information and authentic data 2/2