31, 65, 66, 69] ➤ Fernando Pérez [12, 28, 29, 33-40, 48-52, 53-55] http://fperez.org/ BIDS http://bids.berkeley.edu/ ➤ Cal Poly and UC Berkeley Press Releases http://calpolynews.calpoly.edu/news_releases/2015/July/jupyter.html, http://bids.berkeley.edu/news/ project-jupyter-gets-6m-expand-collaborative-data-science-software [14-19] ➤ Jupyterhub at NERSC and OpenMSI, S. Cholla and O. Ruebel, Jupyterhub Day presentation, July 17, 2015 [42, 43] ➤ music21 website http://web.mit.edu/music21/ [45] ➤ Jeremy Freeman http://jeremyfreeman.net/ PyData Talk NYC Winter 2015 https://github.com/freeman-lab/talk-nyc-winter-2015 [56, 57, 58] ➤ CodeNeuro website http://codeneuro.org/ [59-60] ➤ Binder website http://mybinder.org/ [61] ➤ Images ➤ [2, 10, 21, 27, 30, 62, 64] Galaxy ➤ [23] Hummingbird https://flic.kr/p/mo5pa1 ➤ [25] Netflix Prize Christopher Hefele https://flic.kr/p/6LWT6K ➤ [3-7, 8 (artwork FabLab interns), 9, 20, 22, 24, 26, 42, 43, 46, 57, 63] Carol Willing. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ➤ For additional information ➤ Jupyter www.jupyter.org ➤ Python Software Foundation www.python.org ➤ Carol Willing, willingc@willingconsulting.com, @willingcarol, GitHub: willingc