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Clean Test Code


Shinichi Maeshima

May 18, 2017

More Decks by Shinichi Maeshima

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  1. ࣗݾ঺հ • લౡਅҰ aka @willnet or @netwillnet • ginza.rb ͔Βདྷ·ͨ͠

    • ϑϦʔϥϯεRailsٕज़ސ໰ • https://github.com/willnet • https://twitter.com/netwillnet • http://blog.willnet.in
  2. # ྫ describe Stack do let!(:stack) { Stack.new } describe

    '#push' do context 'จࣈྻΛpushͨ͠ͱ͖' do before { stack.push('value') } it 'ฦΓ஋͕pushͨ͠஋Ͱ͋Δ͜ͱ' do expect(stack).to eq 'value' end end context 'nilΛpushͨ͠৔߹' do it 'ArgumentErrorʹͳΔ͜ͱ' do expect { stack.push(nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe '#pop' do # ུ end end
  3. # ҰݟDRYʹͰ͖ͦ͏ʹݟ͑Δ describe 'sample specs' do context 'a' do #

    ... end context 'b' do let!(:need_in_b_and_c) { ... } # ... end context 'c' do let!(:need_in_b_and_c) { ... } # ... end end
  4. describe User, type: :model do describe '#send_message' do let!(:sender) {

    create :user, name: 'maeshima' } let!(:receiver) { create :user, name: 'kamiya' } it 'ϝοηʔδ͕ਖ਼͘͠ૹΒΕΔ͜ͱ' do expect { sender.send_message(receiver: receiver, body: 'hello!') } .to change { Message.count }.by(1) end end end
  5. describe User, type: :model do describe '#send_message' do let!(:sender) {

    create :user } let!(:receiver) { create :user } it 'ϝοηʔδ͕ਖ਼͘͠ૹΒΕΔ͜ͱ' do expect { sender.send_message(receiver: receiver, body: 'hello!') } .to change { Message.count }.by(1) end end end
  6. ѱ͍ྫ FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do sequence(:name) { |i| "username#{i}"

    } after(:create) do |user, evaluator| create_list(:post, 2, user: user) end end end
  7. RSpec.describe User, type: :model do describe '#posts_ordered_by_popularity' do let!(:user) {

    create(:user) } let!(:post_popular) do post = user.posts[0] post.update(popularity: 5) post end let!(:post_not_popular) do post = user.posts[1] post.update(popularity: 1) post end it 'return posts ordered by populality' do expect(user.posts_ordered_by_popularity).to eq [post_popular, post_not_popular] end end end
  8. ྑ͍ྫ FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do sequence(:name) { |i| "username#{i}"

    } trait(:with_posts) do after(:create) do |user, evaluator| create_list(:post, 2, user: user) end end end end
  9. RSpec.describe User, type: :model do describe '#posts_ordered_by_popularity' do let!(:user) {

    create(:user) } let!(:post_popular) { create :post, user: user, popularity: 5 } let!(:post_not_popular) { create :post, user: user, popularity: 1 } it 'return posts ordered by populality' do expect(user.posts_ordered_by_popularity).to eq [post_popular, post_not_popular] end end end
  10. # ѱ͍ྫ class Post < ApplicationRecord # όάؚ͕·Ε͍ͯΔ scope :last_month_published,

    -> { where(publish_at: (Time.zone.now - 31.days).all_month) } end RSpec.describe Post, type: :model do describe '.last_month_published' do let!(:april_1st) { create :post, publish_at: Time.zone.local(2017, 4, 1) } let!(:april_30th) { create :post, publish_at: Time.zone.local(2017, 4, 30) } before do create :post, publish_at: Time.zone.local(2017, 5, 1) create :post, publish_at: Time.zone.local(2017, 3, 31) end it 'return published posts in last month' do Timecop.travel(2017, 5, 6) do # ςετ͸௨Δ expect(Post.last_month_published).to contain_exactly(april_1st, april_30th) end end end end
  11. # ྑ͍ྫ # ઈରͰ͸ͳ͍͕ෆ۩߹ʹؾͮ͘Մೳੑ͕૿͢ RSpec.describe Post, type: :model do describe

    '.last_month_published' do let!(:now) { Time.zone.now } let!(:last_beginning_of_month) { create :post, publish_at: 1.month.ago(now).beginning_of_month } let!(:last_end_of_month) { create :post, publish_at: 1.month.ago(now).end_of_month } before do create :post, publish_at: now create :post, publish_at: 2.months.ago(now) end it 'return published posts in last month' do expect(Post.last_month_published).to contain_exactly(last_beginning_of_month, last_end_of_month) end end end
  12. # ѱ͍ྫ describe Post do let!(:post) { create :post }

    describe '#published?' do subject { post.published? } context 'when the post has already published' do it { is_expected.to eq true } end context 'when the post has not published' do before { post.update(publish_at: nil) } it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when the post is closed' do before { post.update(status: :close) } it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when the title includes "[WIP]"' do before { post.update(title: '[WIP]hello world') } it { is_expected.to eq false } end end end
  13. # ѱ͍ྫ describe Post do let!(:post) { create :post, title:

    title, status: status, publish_at: publish_at } let(:title) { 'hello world' } let(:status) { :open } let(:publish_at) { Time.zone.now } describe '#published?' do subject { post.published? } context 'when the post has already published' do it { is_expected.to eq true } end context 'when the post has not published' do let(:publish_at) { nil } it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when the post is closed' do let(:status) { :close } it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when the title includes "[WIP]"' do let(:title) { '[WIP]hello world'} it { is_expected.to eq false } end end end
  14. # ѱ͍ྫ # Ҿ਺ͱͯ͠౉͞Ε༵ͨ೔ʹରԠͨ͠෼͚ͩϙΠϯτΛ૿΍͢ϝιου # `Point#increase_by_day_of_the_week`Λςετ͍ͯ͠Δ RSpec.describe Point, type: :model

    do describe '#increase_by_day_of_the_week' do let(:point) { create :point, point: 0 } it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 100 do let(:wday) { 0 } end it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 50 do let(:wday) { 1 } end it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 30 do let(:wday) { 2 } end # ... end end
  15. ఆٛ͸ͪ͜Β RSpec.shared_examples 'point increasing by day of the week' do

    |expected_point| it "increase by #{expected_point}" do expect(point.point).to eq 0 point.increase_by_day_of_the_week(wday) expect(point.point).to eq expected_point end end
  16. # ѱ͍ྫ(࠶ܝ) # - લఏ৚͕݅ଟ͍ # - ఆ͕ٛ෼ࢄ͍ͯ͠Δ RSpec.describe Point,

    type: :model do describe '#increase_by_day_of_the_week' do let(:point) { create :point, point: 0 } it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 100 do let(:wday) { 0 } end it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 50 do let(:wday) { 1 } end it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', 30 do let(:wday) { 2 } end # ... end end
  17. # shared_examples Λ࢖ͬͨ··ՄಡੑΛଟগ૿ͨ͠ྫ RSpec.describe Point, type: :model do describe '#increase_by_day_of_the_week'

    do let(:point) { create :point, point: 0 } context 'on sunday' do let(:wday) { 0 } it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', expected_point: 100 end context 'on monday' do let(:wday) { 1 } it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', expected_point: 50 end context 'on tuesday' do let(:wday) { 2 } it_behaves_like 'point increasing by day of the week', expected_point: 30 end # ... end end
  18. # ϒϩοΫҾ਺ΛύϥϝʔλҾ਺ʹͨ͠ RSpec.shared_examples 'point increasing by day of the week'

    do |expected_point:| it "increase by #{expected_point}" do expect(point.point).to eq 0 point.increase_by_day_of_the_week(wday) expect(point.point).to eq expected_point end end
  19. # shared_examples ΛࣙΊͨྫ RSpec.describe Point, type: :model do describe '#increase_by_day_of_the_week'

    do let(:point) { create :point, point: 0 } context 'on sunday' do let(:wday) { 0 } it "increase by 100" do expect(point.point).to eq 0 point.increase_by_day_of_the_week(wday) expect(point.point).to eq 100 end end context 'on monday' do let(:wday) { 1 } it "increase by 50" do expect(point.point).to eq 0 point.increase_by_day_of_the_week(wday) expect(point.point).to eq 50 end end # ུ end end