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Warren Denley: WordPress 101

Warren Denley: WordPress 101

This beginners track talk is aimed at new users who are not yet familiar with how to navigate the WordPress admin area and what different areas do. We’ll walk though each section and point out some recommended settings that will be helpful to slightly more advanced site editors. By the end of the talk the audience should know what each major sections of the admin area does and how to set some important configurations.

WP Australia

April 27, 2013

More Decks by WP Australia

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  1. WordPress 101 Getting You Up And Running - Fast! Warren

    Denley . @WarrenDenley . diywebsitecoach.com
  2. http://diywebsitecoach.com Talk Overview • Creating Your Site • WordPress Dashboard

    Overview • Recommended Settings • Understanding User Roles
  3. http://diywebsitecoach.com Manual Install • Create a database • Create a

    user • Load WordPress files • Run installer
  4. http://diywebsitecoach.com Basic Security Tips • Strong usernames, passwords and database

    • Keep site updated • Hide and protect WordPress information • Regular Backups • Site monitoring
  5. http://diywebsitecoach.com Posts Menu • What are posts? • Draft vs

    Published • Quick Edit • Bulk Update • Post Editor
  6. http://diywebsitecoach.com Pages Menu • What are pages? • Draft vs

    Published • Quick Edit • Bulk Update • Post Editor • Hierarchy
  7. http://diywebsitecoach.com Appearance Menu • Manage themes • Manage widgets •

    Custom menus • Header • Background • Theme editor
  8. http://diywebsitecoach.com Users -> Your Profile • Fill out bio •

    Get a gravatar (gravatar.com) • Display name
  9. http://diywebsitecoach.com User Roles • Subscriber • Can only manage their

    profile • Generally only for membership sites • Contributor • Can write and manage their own posts • Can’t publish posts • Good for external/guest writers
  10. http://diywebsitecoach.com User Roles • Author • Can write, manage and

    publish their own posts • Good for staff writers • Editor • Can write, manage and publish their own posts • Can mange and publish other people’s posts • Good for content managers
  11. http://diywebsitecoach.com User Roles • Administrator • Can write, manage and

    publish their own posts • Has full control over a single site • Network Administrator • Has full control over all site in a network • Only applicable in multi-site setups