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This Talk is so Meta

This Talk is so Meta

Introduction to metaprogramming in ruby

Nugroho Herucahyono

September 26, 2013

More Decks by Nugroho Herucahyono

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Metaprogramming: the writing of computer programs that write or manipulate

    other programs (or themselves) as their data, or that do potato potato potato... Metaprogramming
  2. - Meet your first Meta - attr_accessor - The basic

    - block - ruby class structure - method lookup - eigenclass - The technique - define_method - method_missing - method cache - class_eval - instance_eval - eval Agenda
  3. class Person { private String name; public String getName() {

    return this.name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } attr_accessor
  4. A block is a just chunk of code that can

    be called 3.times do puts “hello” end block
  5. A block is just a special form of a proc

    def show_me_the_block(&block) block end block vs proc
  6. $ b = show_me_the_block do puts “hello” end => #<Proc:0x00000000d8d600:4>

    $ b.call => Hello $ b.class => Proc block vs proc
  7. my_proc = proc { puts “hello” } my_proc.call => hello

    3.times &my_proc => hello hello hello block vs proc
  8. A block is a closure because it can access its

    environment name = “xinuc” 3.times do puts “hello #{name}” end block & closure
  9. o = Object.new o.hello => NoMethodError: undefined method `hello' def

    o.hello puts “hello” end o.hello => hello eigen_class
  10. $ shout => undefined local variable or method `shout' $

    learn_to_shout => learning.... $ shout => Wazzzaaaap!! Define method
  11. def who_are_you puts “I'm batman” def who_are_you puts “I'm superman”

    def who_are_you puts “I'm ironman” end end end Define method
  12. def who_are_you puts “I'm batman” def who_are_you puts “I'm superman”

    def who_are_you puts “I'm ironman” end end end Hypocrite method
  13. def who_are_you puts “I'm batman” def who_are_you puts “I'm superman”

    def who_are_you puts “I'm ironman” end end end Yo dawg method
  14. define_method method takes a method name and a block, then

    creates a method with block as the method body define_method :name do |args| # method body end define_method method
  15. def attr_accessor(*attrs) attrs.each do |attr| define_method attr do instance_variable_get “@#{attr}”

    end define_method “#{attr}=” do |val| instance_variable_set “@#{attr}”, val end end end attr_accessor
  16. class Person def method_missing(name, *args, &block) puts “method #{name}” end

    end p = Person.new p.omg_lol => method omg_lol method_missing
  17. class Person def method_missing(name, *args, &block) self.class.class_eval do define_method(name) do

    puts ”method #{defined} defined” end end self.send name, *args end end Lazy method definition
  18. p = Person.new p.respond_to? :hello => false p.hello => method

    hello defined p.respond_to? :hello => true Lazy method definition
  19. class Person end p = Person.new p.instance_eval do def hello

    puts “hello” end end instance_eval
  20. class Person end p = Person.new p.singleton_class.class_eval do def hello

    puts “hello” end end p.hello instance_eval
  21. instance_eval change the “self” inside a block s = “Hello”

    s.instance_eval do puts self.upcase end instance_eval
  22. # sunspot class User < ActiveRecord::Base # method text &

    integer # not defined here searchable do # but we can call method text & integer here text :name integer :age end end instance_eval