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Dockerized ROS/ROS2 and Activities of ROS Japan UG

Yutaka Kondo
September 22, 2017

Dockerized ROS/ROS2 and Activities of ROS Japan UG

First half is ROS/ROS2 on docker ecosystem and last half is about ROS Japan Users Group.
This slide is what I want to make a LT on ROSCon 2017 but unfortunately cannot do.

Yutaka Kondo

September 22, 2017

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  1. ROS/ROS2 Docker Images • Docker Hub ◦ ROS: https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/ros ◦

    ROS2: https://hub.docker.com/r/osrf/ros2 • ROS ◦ docker pull osrf/ros:kinetic-desktop-full • ROS2 ◦ docker pull osrf/ros2:r2b3-core • ROS <-> ROS2 bridge ◦ docker pull osrf/ros2:r2b3-ros1-bridge ◦ Found a bug and fix it: https://github.com/osrf/docker_images/pull/76 2
  2. roscore container rviz container Device setting Network setting 1. version:

    '3' 2. services: 3. master: 4. image: ros:kinetic-ros-core 5. command: roscore 6. networks: 7. - ros 8. rviz: 9. image: osrf/ros:kinetic-desktop 10. command: rosrun rviz rviz 11. networks: 12. - ros 13. environment: 14. ROS_HOSTNAME: rviz 15. ROS_MASTER_URI: http://master:11311 16. DISPLAY: unix$DISPLAY 17. QT_X11_NO_MITSHM: 1 18. volumes: 19. - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix 20. devices: 21. - /dev/dri:/dev/dri 22. networks: 23. ros: 24. driver: bridge Example of docker-compose.yml 4
  3. Advantage • ROS Infrastructure as Code • No single point

    of failure with ROS2 • Docker ecosystem enabled ◦ Restart policy for fault tolerance ◦ Express depenency of nodes ◦ Easy to deploy by Swarm mode • Performance limitation ◦ In-process nodes should be run in 1 container • Unix-friendly OS only for device pass through 6 Drawback
  4. Activities of ROS Japan UG Yutaka Kondo @youtalk ROS Japan

    Users Group http://youtalk.jp/roscon2017
  5. About ROS Japan UG • 400+ members joined • 12

    meetup events have been held and 3 will be • Event page: https://rosjp.connpass.com • Discourse subcategory: https://discourse.ros.org/c/local/japan • I’m one of organizers 8
  6. About Me yutaka.kondo@youtalk.jp 10 Full name Nationality Home page http://youtalk.jp/roscon2017

    Special Thanks to • https://github.com/osrf/docker_images • http://wiki.ros.org/docker/Tutorials/Hardware%20Acceleration