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DeepOps – An efficient way to deploy GPU cluste...

Frank Lin
November 30, 2021

DeepOps – An efficient way to deploy GPU cluster for computing

HPC Summit | 2021 APAC

Frank Lin

November 30, 2021

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  1. DeepOps An Ef fi cient Way To Deploy GPU Cluster

    for Computing Frank Lin @yylin1 GARAOTUS HPC Summit 2021 | NOVEMBER 18, 2021
  2. About Me 林義洋 Frank Li n • Co-organizer of Cloud

    Native Taiwan User Grou p • Interested in emerging technologies 2 GitHub: yylin1([email protected]) Blog: https://blog.yylin.io
  3. Agenda • Manage resources more effectively • What is DeepOps?

    • How to choose Job Schedule Management ? 4
  4. 6 Why Clusters? Ref: GTC 2020 - AI as a

    Service (AIaaS): Zero to Kubeflow: Supporting Your Data Science Teams with the Most Common Uses Case s https://developer.nvidia.com/gtc/2020/video/s22040-vid CPU CPU CPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU (Excel, Internal Page) (Platform)
  5. 8 AI Platform Considerations Ref: GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Building and

    managing scalable AI infrastructure with NVIDIA DGX POD and DGX Pod Management software
  6. The power of one platform • 易於部署執⾏從開發到⽣產環境的⼯作流程 • 單⼀個管理平台下,能⽀援多個團隊或專案項⽬ •

    有效管理和監控叢集資源 (GPUs)、計費和使⽤狀況 • 如何讓每個團隊專注他們擅長的事情,排除額外的成本 • Data Scientists -> Data Scienc e • App Developer -> Implement App s • DevOps Engineers -> DevOps / AI WorkFlow
  7. What is DeepOps? DeepOps 開源專案主要⽤於快速佈署 Kubernetes 與 Slurm,在⼤規模 GPU 伺服器

    叢集和共享單節點部署(例如 NVIDIA DGX Systems)的理想選擇 • 具⾼彈性,可以進⾏調整或以模塊化⽅式使⽤,以匹配特定使⽤情境的集群需求 • 利⽤ Ansible 提供點到點來設置整個群集管理堆棧 • 可部署 Slurm、Kubernetes 或兩者的混合 • 提供腳本可⽤於現有叢集快速部署 Kubeflow 和連接 NFS 存儲 • GitHub: https://github.com/NVIDIA/deepops
  8. Building out your GPU cluster Ref: GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Building

    and managing scalable AI infrastructure with NVIDIA DGX POD and DGX Pod Management software
  9. Installing & managing an AI as a Servicer cluster DeepOps

    Components Scheduler Ref: GTC Digital October 2020: GPU-Accelerated Labs on Demand Using Virtual Computer Serve r https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcfall20-a21371/
  10. Automation: Ansible • Open-source automation and configuration management too l

    • Agentless (nothing to install on target nodes ) • Easier to maintain & scale than custom script s • Playbooks use YAML: easy to learn and read Ref: https://www.ansible.com/
  11. • Basic scheduling features ( kube-batch ) • Share nodes,

    schedule jobs for GPUs on a node ( Excel spreadsheet) • Advanced container and workflow orchestration (e.g., with kubeflow ) • Covers data permissions and security (LDAP, file permissions ) • Adds analytics and monitoring (important also for justification of purchase) • Advanced scheduling features (batch / gang scheduling) • Works also without containers (no runtime overhead) • Multi-node job s • Job dependencies, workflows, DAGs • Advanced reservation s • Intelligent scheduling (not just FIFO ) • User accountin g • Other HPC-like scheduling functionality Schedulers Comparison Ref: GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Building and managing scalable AI infrastructure with NVIDIA DGX POD and DGX Pod Management software
  12. AI Workflow - 選擇平台適⽤性 以較快的⽅式擺脫「資料科學家/開發者」平台設定與較⾼學習曲線,團隊更有使⽤ GPU 資源 HPC ( Slurm

    + Container ) • 與開發者環境⼀致,技術⾨檻比較低沒有任何開發差異 • Batch Job 排程管理的⼯作佇列 (Queue) 來仲裁資源分配 • 節點計算資源 bare metal / container runtime (e.g., Singularity, Nvidia ENROOT ) Application Containerization ( Kubernetes ) • 長時間運⾏的 AI Service ⾼可⽤性 • 平台提供更多模組整合,協助 AI Workflow 任務相關⼯具,監控作業與 GPU 資源 • 需針對應⽤情境調整 Job Schedule
  13. 總結 • DeepOps 簡化繁瑣部署各種問題,是⼀個 Nvidia 開源專案協助加速 GPU 叢集建置的⼯具 • Slurm

    提供更多的 Scheduling Algorithms,讓 HPC 使⽤者資料科學家,能更有效執⾏對應 Jo b • 需要搭配 module load system 配置 GPU 環境依賴資源 • Kubernetes 對於 Batch System / AI 應⽤場景, 例如 TensorFlow, Spark, PyTorch, MP I • 需要搭配其他 Job Scheduler (kube-batch, Volcano) 來提升執⾏策略 • 平台選擇依據現有開發環境,選擇對開發者適⽤性最⾼為最佳 • 技術⾨檻 (e.g., 學習 YAML 撰寫, Disk 掛載問題)