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BMTC20: Marketing: Beer Marketing – Let’s Get R...

BMTC20: Marketing: Beer Marketing – Let’s Get Real

In this session we’ll take a deep dive into three real-world examples of beer marketing done right. From brand launches and partnership-driven promos to full-fledged digital campaigns, Elle Tedder from BowStern Marketing Communications will walk through the “how” of deploying a successful, memorable marketing effort. This presentation of case studies will allow you to see behind the doors of a marketing shop, as we reveal the thought process and planning that goes into development of a results-driven strategy. Learn what questions you should be asking when starting any marketing endeavor, how to make the most of your dollars, and which activities will yield the highest results. You’ll gain actionable info that will inspire new ideas and help you better identify the best marketing approach for your situation.

Zephyr Conferences

February 05, 2020

More Decks by Zephyr Conferences

Other Decks in How-to & DIY


  1. OVERVIEW • The HOW of successful beer marketing • Best

    Practices & Real World Examples • Digital Promotions • Partnerships • Social Influencers • What’s Next?
  2. Digital Promotion • Step #1: Design stand-out creative • Unique

    to market • Have a call-to-action (CTA) • Use visual elements that get approved
  3. The Creative Arsenal • Static images • Video • Slideshows

    • Carousel • Insta-specific story ads
  4. Static Images • Use high-res images • Pops of bright

    color / eye- catching • Ads with faces • Creative for specific audiences • Avoid images with small details
  5. - Less text is more - <18% text or none

    at all Static Images - Get Approved! Less text is more • <18% text or none at all
  6. Video • Go vertical • Length of 15 secs or

    less • Brand, product, or logo in first 3 secs • CTA in the middle • Single-minded message (What’s the goal?) • Design for sound off • 85% of people watch videos with no sound • Subtitles if applicable
  7. Slideshow • Best alternative to video • Up to 15

    images • High-res photogaphy • Less than 4 GB file size
  8. Carousel • Multiple images • Best used for featuring variety

    of: • Products • Services • One ad pushing multiple landing pages
  9. Digital Promotion • Step #2: Consider the Audience Targeting •

    Demographic & behavioral • Look-Alike groups • Location (i.e. Geo-fencing)
  10. Digital Promotion • Targeting Capabilities Demographics: Age Gender Location Interests:

    Fans of other page types Behaviors: Researched craft beer, local bars, foodie, restaurants, etc. Page Connection: Fans of pages Friends of fans of pages
  11. Digital Promotion • Step #3: Don’t Lose the Lead •

    Where are you sending the click? • Social media page • Website
  12. Digital Promotion • Website Landing Page • Optimize for conversion

    (i.e. – lead, action) • Ask for an email
  13. The Skinny on “Squeeze Pages” • Above the fold (nix

    hero images) • Page text design – easy to digest • Clear call-to-action • Testimonials • Scarcity / urgency • Minimal form fields • Click to call feature
  14. Partnerships • Local events & festivals • Prioritize events that

    align with desired consumer • Encourage online sharing (i.e. - social challenge for prize)
  15. Partnerships • Other brewers (yes, the competition!) • Print piece

    showcasing local ‘brew hop’ • Collab and….co-market
  16. Partnerships • Give-back initiatives • Local impact / do-good •

    PR value • Brand awareness • Sales increase
  17. Influencers 74% of people depend on social influencers to help

    guide their decisions Digital Marketing Institute
  18. Influencers • Macro vs. micro influencers • Most common tool:

    Instagram • Identify the win • Compensation structures • Trade • Paid ad
  19. Influencer Outreach • Have authentic dialogue • Cover compensation at

    the beginning • Provide tools / resources for samples posts • Have plan ready before initial outreach
  20. Influencer Outreach Provide Campaign Brief • Goals & Objectives Recap

    • Post Guidelines - Content specs (links / hashtags / promo codes) - Frequency and timing of posts • Contract
  21. Influencer Tips & Tricks • Create a timeline – get

    groupings of influencers posting around the same time • Give influencers freedom to be creative • Layer in measurement capabilities (visibility, engagement, usage)
  22. Influencer Measurement Goal: Engagement • Cost Per Engagement (CPE) •

    # likes, comments, shares influencer posts received
  23. Influencer Measurement Goal: Sales / Usage • Track sales directly

    if influencer is linking to a “Shop Now” page (purchase tickets here, etc). • Can use influencer promo code • Ridership increases during campaign
  24. Now what? • What makes you uniquely better? • Start

    small • Know your target audience • Utilize influencer search tools & prepare prior to outreach • Get creative with partnerships!