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Machine Thinking (a Quick Primer with Techbrunch)

Machine Thinking (a Quick Primer with Techbrunch)

Techbrunch held learn to earn session on machine thinking for beginners.

Andrew Miracle

December 13, 2023

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  1. INSTADEEP'S BREAKTHROUGH In 2014, two co-founders Karim (a trained engineer)

    had just come back and met his co-founder Zohra ( a self-taught programmer) with 2 laptops, $2000, and lots of enthusiasm they started a web agency with time moved to create solutions in their locality for enterprises. Over the years they started working with enterprises to build solutions through Instead. Karim rebranded himself as an AI expert, and the company moved from a web agency to an AI startup. By January 2023, they have acquired tunisian moonshot making it the largest African startup
  2. INSTADEEP'S BREAKTHROUGH One of its most compelling particularities is the

    ability to offer tailored AI solutions to enterprise players. Instadeep's field of excellence is "decision AI" to help decision-makers decipher what to do given the breath of data they have at their disposal

  4. Navigating the World of Tech: My Experience Growing up surrounded

    by technology was challenging at times, but it was also an exciting journey. From building my first website at a young age, my interest in tech continued to flourish. As I tackled more significant projects over time, I explored various opportunities to expand my knowledge in the tech field. The Journey Life is a wild ride, and sometimes, the universe throws opportunities our way. So, I decided to beef up my tech skills, taking classes and diving into boot camps. But, the real kicker was when I joined the Moringa school in Ghana. There, I met a crew of engineers and soaked up priceless knowledge on leading tech teams. Fast forward to 2018, and I scored a sweet gig with a logistics company. Who knows what other adventures lie ahead? Bring on the tech-tastic ride!
  5. I started looking online for boot camps where I could

    learn the fundamentals and discovered some in the US and Europe, but the application process was challenging. I ultimately discovered MORINGA SCHOOL, a Kenyan boot camp with connections allowing students to go to Ghana and Nigeria. Their collaborations in Nigeria were unable to succeed, so I applied to the Moringa School in Kenya because it was not overly expensive and offered the best chance. They had two tracks: the initial one was in Ghana, while the longer one was in Kenya. I was learning how to utilize the command line, GIT, bash, and terminal, as well as how to offer feedback and develop the necessary soft skills. I also gained managerial skills for engineering teams. Professional Experience
  6. 3 4 1 2 “Every problem is a gift. Without

    problems we would not grow.” – Tony Robbins Lessons from my journey Identifying the problem in your environment give you and upper edge over other Learning never stops at any age. Create room for improvemnet each passing day Always be innovative to change
  7. At some point,I took an interest in core NFT and

    developed a product that could track the famous BBN that happens every year. we did this using blockchain and smart contracts. By November 2022 something happened that brought forth the birth of ChatKJV Professional Experience
  8. One Sunday morning I woke up after a long work

    period and made a post about an app that allows you to interact with it and gives you a response about how to react and the tweet blew up on Twitter. People started making requests to have the app and we ended up building chatKJV. Building CHATKJV
  9. Overview of AI and Business Impact: A concise presentation on

    AI's basics and its transformative potential in various business sectors. Introduction of the Machine Thinking Model: Explaining the key components of the model (Analyze, Define, Align) as a framework for understanding AI's application in business.
  10. - Analyze the core value proposition of a business in

    the context of its current (As-Is) scenario. - Map the customer journey and identify key touchpoints. - Define the business challenge at each stage of the customer journey. - Align the customer journey stages with AI potential for enhancing customer experience, considering the
  11. Data Availability: A key case study involves the use of

    AI in podcasts. AI has been leveraged to reduce the time and resources needed to create podcast content by 75%, including promotional materials and script writing. This demonstrates how AI can optimize content creation processes by efficiently handling large volumes of data​ ​ . 1.
  12. Algorithmic Suitability: In the fashion industry, AI has been used

    to optimize supply chain operations. Retailers like H&M and Zara have seen growth in revenue by employing predictive analytics driven by AI. These tools analyze inventory levels and sales performance to predict future sales with greater accuracy, exemplifying the effective use of algorithms in decision-making processes​ ​ .
  13. Economic Viability: A case in healthcare shows AI's role in

    speeding up and improving the accuracy of diagnoses. At Hardin Memorial Health, doctors use AI to summarize a patient's medical history, aiding in making more informed decisions based on imaging and historical data. This not only improves the quality of patient care but also the efficiency and cost- effectiveness of the diagnostic process​ ​ .
  14. Strategic Alignment: In industrial applications, AI has been pivotal. Built

    Robotics, for example, uses AI to create autonomous heavy machinery for challenging environments like solar piling. This automation has significantly sped up processes and improved precision, aligning with strategic goals of efficiency and innovation in challenging industrial tasks​ ​ .
  15. Industry Analysis: Participants will learn to analyze their industry to

    identify areas ripe for AI intervention. This involves understanding industry trends, competitors' use of AI, and identifying gaps in the market. 1. Internal Assessment: This step is crucial for understanding the internal capabilities of a business, including data infrastructure, talent, and existing processes that could be enhanced with AI. 2. Brainstorming Sessions: Interactive sessions where participants identify potential AI applications in their businesses based on the insights gained from industry and internal assessments. 3.
  16. Evaluating AI Solutions: Participants will be taught to evaluate different

    AI solutions based on criteria such as feasibility, cost, scalability, and alignment with business objectives. Prototype Development: Encouraging the creation of AI solution prototypes, which could be as simple as conceptual designs or as advanced as working models, depending on the participants' technical capabilities. Impact Analysis: Understanding the potential impact of the chosen AI solution on the business, including ROI estimation, efficiency gains, and customer experience improvements.
  17. Machine Thinking Align align impact to strategiy Define Define the

    business challenge Analyze Analyze the value chain
  18. As-Is Scenario Current Situation: Describe the current state of your

    business or the specific area you are focusing on. Include aspects like operational processes, customer experiences, market position, and challenges. 1. Data and Technology: Outline the current state of data availability and technology use in your business. Mention any AI or data analytics tools already in use. 2. Performance Indicators: List key performance indicators (KPIs) that are currently tracked. This could include sales figures, customer satisfaction rates, operational costs, etc. 3. Barriers and Limitations: Identify any challenges or limitations in your current scenario, such as data silos, lack of skilled personnel, or outdated technology. 4. Summary: Summarize the overall state of the business/area in the context of AI readiness and potential for improvement. 5. Example: "Our current retail operations rely heavily on manual processes, leading to inefficiencies in inventory management and customer service. Although we have basic digital data collection, our analysis capabilities are limited, affecting our decision-making accuracy and responsiveness to market trends." 6.
  19. To-Be Scenario Vision and Goals: Start with a compelling vision

    of the future state. Clearly define the goals you aim to achieve with AI implementation. These should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time- bound (SMART). 1. Strategic Alignment: Describe how the AI implementation aligns with overall business strategy. This should include how AI solutions address current limitations and exploit opportunities. 2.
  20. To-Be Scenario Detailed Plan of Action: Break down the implementation

    into actionable steps. This should include: 1. Technology Adoption: Specify the AI technologies and tools to be adopted. Data Strategy: Outline how data will be sourced, managed, and utilized. Skills and Training: Detail the training programs or hiring plans to build AI competency. Timeline: Provide a realistic timeline for each step of implementation. Expected Impact: Quantify the expected impact in terms of KPIs. This could include projected revenue growth, cost savings, efficiency gains, customer satisfaction improvements, etc. 2.
  21. To-Be Scenario Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Identify potential risks in

    the implementation process and propose mitigation strategies. This could include technological, financial, and operational risks. 1. Stakeholder Engagement: List key stakeholders involved and their roles. Describe how you plan to engage them throughout the transformation process. 2. Evaluation and Adaptation Plan: Include how the implementation will be monitored and evaluated, and how you plan to adapt based on feedback and results. 3. Summary: Conclude with a summary that reiterates the transformative potential of the AI implementation, painting a vivid picture of the future state. 4.
  22. AI Vision Our vision is to transform our retail operations

    into a data-driven, customer-centric model by Q4 2024. By implementing an AI-powered inventory system and a customer recommendation engine, we aim to increase sales by 25% and reduce inventory costs by 15%. The plan involves training our staff in data analytics, integrating AI tools by Q2 2024, and launching a pilot program. We will regularly review progress against our KPIs, adapting our strategy based on customer feedback and system performance. Stakeholders, including department heads and IT staff, will be involved throughout, ensuring a smooth transition to a more efficient, AI-enhanced operation."
  23. Q&A