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A Two-Way Funhouse Mirror The Paranormal and th...

April 19, 2014

A Two-Way Funhouse Mirror The Paranormal and the Paranoid in 1990s Science Fiction Media

Slides for my presentation at PCA/ACA 2014


April 19, 2014

More Decks by ajgulyas

Other Decks in Research


  1. A Two-Way Funhouse Mirror: The Paranormal and the Paranoid in

    1990s Science Fiction Media Aaron Gulyas @firkon | ajgulyas.com Mott Community College Flint, Michigan
  2. What and Why?  Paranormal/Conspiracy SF Television  How did

    they intersect with pre-existing communities which believed in these things?  How can these types of shows serve as a teaching tool for helping students understand American culture in the 1990s?
  3. But first, “Alternative 3”  Episode of Science Report, broadcast

    in the UK June 20, 1977  Meant to have been broadcast April 1, 1977…  An influence that extended far beyond 1977.
  4. Dark Skies  1996-1997, NBC  Draws deeply from contemporary

    conspiracy and paranormal culture  “History as we know it is a lie”