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Topic 4 - Why does Allah allow Suffering? Unpac...

October 13, 2018

Topic 4 - Why does Allah allow Suffering? Unpacking Allah’s Mercy


October 13, 2018

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    Classes - Muslims & Non-Muslims Relationships in Islam - Muslims as a Citizen of a Non-Islamic State - Islam & Interfaith Dialogues - Solat - Fardhu Ain - A Muslim’s Manual - Light of Faith - The Chosen One - Traveller’s Fiqh - Fiqh for the Sick - Path of Repentance - Fiqh of Planned Giving - The Arch Prophets (Ulul Azmi)
  2. ﻗ ُ ل ِ ٱ ' ﱠ ُ ﺧ َ

    ـٰ ﻠِ ق ُ ﻛ ُ ل ِّ ﺷ َ ﻰ ۡ ء ٍ۟ و َ ھ ُ و َ ٱ ﻟۡ و َ ٲ ﺣ ِ د ُ ٱ ﻟۡ ﻘ َ ﮭ ﱠ ـٰ ر ُ Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things: He is the One, the Supreme and Irresistible."
  3. ٱ ﻟ ﱠ ذ ِ ى ٓ أ َ ﺣ

    ۡ ﺳ َ ن َ ﻛ ُ ل ﱠ ﺷ َ ﻰ ۡ ء ٍ ﺧ َ ﻠ َ ﻘ َ ﮫ ُ He Who has made everything which He has created most Good
  4. If Allah created everything and all that He created is

    good… What is evil and who created it?
  5. THE NOTION OF EVIL و َ ﻧ َ ﺑ ْ

    ﻠ ُ و ﻛ ُ م ﺑ ِ ﺎ ﻟ ﺷ ﱠ ر ِّ و َ ا ﻟْ ﺧ َ ﯾ ْ ر ِ ﻓ ِ ﺗ ْ ﻧ َ ﺔ ً and We test you by evil and by good by way of trial و َ ﻟ َ و ْ ﯾ ُ ﻌ َ ﺟ ِّ ل ُ ا < ﱠ ُ ﻟِ ﻠ ﻧ ﱠ ﺎ س ِ ا ﻟ ﺷ ﱠ ر ﱠ ا ﺳ ْ ﺗ ِ ﻌ ْ ﺟ َ ﺎ ﻟ َ ﮭ ُ م ﺑ ِ ﺎ ﻟْ ﺧ َ ﯾ ْ ر ِ ﻟ َ ﻘ ُ ﺿ ِ ﻲ َ إ ِ ﻟ َ ﯾ ْ ﮭ ِ م ْ أ َ ﺟ َ ﻠ ُ ﮭ ُ م ْ If Allah were to hasten for men the evil (they have earned) as they would fain hasten on the good then would their respite be settled at once.
  6. THE NOTION OF EVIL و َ ﯾ َ د ْ

    ع ُ ا ﻹ ِْ ﻧ ﺳ َ ﺎ ن ُ ﺑ ِ ﺎ ﻟ ﺷ ﱠ ر ِّ د ُ ﻋ َ ﺎ ء َ ه ُ ﺑ ِ ﺎ ﻟْ ﺧ َ ﯾ ْ ر ِ ۖ و َ ﻛ َ ﺎ ن َ ا ﻹ ِْ ﻧ ﺳ َ ﺎ ن ُ ﻋ َ ﺟ ُ و ل ً And man prays (Allâh) for evil as he prays (Allâh) for good and man is ever hasty و َ ﻋ َ ﺳ َ ﻰ ٰ أ َ ن ﺗ َ ﻛ ْ ر َ ھ ُ و ا ﺷ َ ﯾ ْ ﺋ ًﺎ و َ ھ ُ و َ ﺧ َ ﯾ ْ ر ٌ ﻟ ﱠ ﻛ ُ م ْ ۖ و َ ﻋ َ ﺳ َ ﻰ ٰ أ َ ن ﺗ ُ ﺣ ِ ﺑ ﱡ و ا ﺷ َ ﯾ ْ ﺋ ًﺎ و َ ھ ُ و َ ﺷ َ ر ﱞ ﻟ ﱠ ﻛ ُ م ْ ۗ But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you
  7. ﻗ ُ ل ۡ أ َ ﻋ ُ و ذ

    ُ ﺑ ِ ر َ ب ِّ ٱ ﻟۡ ﻔ َ ﻠ َ ق ِ ﻣ ِ ن ﺷ َ ر ِّ ﻣ َ ﺎ ﺧ َ ﻠ َ ق َ Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn, from the evil acts of His creatures
  8. Is the existence of a powerful and merciful God compatible

    with the existence of evil and suffering in the world?
  9. ALLAH THE MERCIFUL AND ALL- POWERFUL According to the Qur’an,

    God is Al- Qadeer, meaning the All-Powerful, and Ar- Rahman, meaning The-Merciful, which also implies compassion. Islam requires that mankind know and believe in a God of power, mercy and goodness.

    and attributes. These are understood holistically via Allah’s oneness. For instance, one of His names is Al-Hakeem, meaning the The-Wise. Since the very nature of God is wisdom, it follows that whatever He wills is in line with Divine wisdom.
  11. DIVINE WISDOM Allah’s wisdom is unbounded and complete, whereas we

    have limited wisdom and knowledge. Allah has the totality of wisdom and knowledge; we just have its particulars. Allah has the picture, and we have just a pixel.
  12. KHIDR AND MUSA Khidr was the one to whom Allah

    had given knowledge of the reality behind the perceived evil and suffering, and He had not given it to Musa. With reference to the statement “You will not be able to bear with me patiently”, it means: “You will not be able to accompany with me when you see me doing things that go against your law, because I have knowledge from Allah that He has not taught you, and you have knowledge from Allah that He has not taught me.” Ibn Kathir

    does not create pure evil. Rather, in everything that He creates is a wise purpose by virtue of what is good. However, there may be some evil in it for some people, and this is partial, relative evil. As for total evil or absolute evil, the Lord is exonerated of that.” Ibn Taymiyya
  14. LIFE IS A TEST ٱ ﻟ ﱠ ذ ِ ى

    ﺧ َ ﻠ َ ق َ ٱ ﻟۡ ﻣ َ وۡ ت َ و َ ٱ ﻟۡ ﺣ َ ﯾ َ وٰ ة َ ﻟِ ﯾ َ ﺑۡ ﻠ ُ و َ ﻛ ُ مۡ أ َ ﯾ ﱡ ﻛ ُ مۡ أ َ ﺣ ۡ ﺳ َ ن ُ ﻋ َ ﻣ َ ﻼ ً۟ ۚ Allah created death and life, so that He may put you to test, to find out which of you is best in deeds: He is the The-Almighty, The-Forgiving
  15. OUR PURPOSE IS WORSHIP و َ ﻣ َ ﺎ ﺧ

    َ ﻠ َ ﻘۡ ت ُ ٱ ﻟۡ ﺟ ِ ن ﱠ و َ ٱ ﻹۡ ِ ﻧ س َ إ ِ ﻻ ﱠ ﻟِ ﯾ َ ﻌ ۡ ﺑ ُ د ُ و ن ِ I did not create either jinn or man except to worship Me.
  16. GREATER GOOD Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily

    all of his affair is good, and this is for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him.” Narrated by Muslim
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    Classes - Muslims & Non-Muslims Relationships in Islam - Muslims as a Citizen of a Non-Islamic State - Islam & Interfaith Dialogues - Solat - Fardhu Ain - A Muslim’s Manual - Light of Faith - The Chosen One - Traveller’s Fiqh - Fiqh for the Sick - Path of Repentance - Fiqh of Planned Giving - The Arch Prophets (Ulul Azmi)