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opendata.zh.ch - How the Canton of Zurich uses ...

opendata.zh.ch - How the Canton of Zurich uses the Swiss open government data pilot portal to make its open data visible

Andreas Amsler

February 24, 2014

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  1. Agile Web Development Liip.ch ! – Zürich, 24. February 2014

    OPENDATA.ZH.CH How the Canton of Zurich uses the Swiss open government data pilot portal to make its open data visible ! ! Andreas Amsler, Liip
  2. OPENDATA.ADMIN.CH The portal is designed to make open data of

    data-owners on all Swiss federal levels findable and usable.
  3. - one central portal to provide OGD of the Federal

    Authorities of the Swiss Confederation, of Cantonal and Communal Authorities, as well as of further public authorities - the portal is quadrilingual - pilot phase has been extended until end of 2014
  4. DATA OWNERS - Swiss federal archives - Federal Office of

    Topography - Federal Office of Meteorology 
 and Climatology MeteoSwiss - Swiss Federal Statistical Office - Swiss National Library - Canton of Zurich Statistical Office - Canton of Zurich Topographical Office - Federal Office of Public Health - Federal Office of for the Environment
  5. OPENDATA.ZH.CH The Canton of Zurich opted for an open government

    data pilot project using the infrastructure of opendata.admin.ch
  6. ARCHITECTURE - the two offices of the Canton of Zurich

    are connected with specifically developed harvesters (CKAN extensions) to the local CKAN instance of the BAR - the data of the Canton of Zurich has got a direct URL: 
 CKAN instance BAR CKAN instance swisstopo central portal search 
 datasets download 
 geo.admin.ch MeteoSchweiz 5 harvesters harvester harvester 2 harvesters existing data
 environment ZH-GIS

  7. TECHNOLOGY - solely open source software - data management framework

    CKAN with Amazon S3 Cloud (for those data which are physically uploaded) - PHP content management framework Symfony CMF CKAN with Amazon S3 Cloud CKAN with Amazon S3 Cloud Symfony CMF 
 geo.admin.ch MeteoSchweiz ZH-GIS

  8. SECURITY - CKAN consists of standard components like PostgreSQL, Solr,

    Apache and S3 with a high security level - the CKAN application is built on the Pylons framework (Python) and is continuously tested by a worldwide community CKAN with Amazon S3 Cloud CKAN with Amazon S3 Cloud Symfony CMF 
 & CKAN BAR BFS NB ZH-STAT geo.admin.ch MeteoSchweiz ZH-GIS
  9. Agile Web Development Liip.ch ! – LET’S TALK ABOUT 

    YOUR OPEN DATA. Andreas Amsler +41 43 501 40 05 andreas.amsler@liip.ch