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Rapid schema development with PostgreSQL

Rapid schema development with PostgreSQL

A talk I gave at All Your Base Conf 2013.

Andrew Godwin

October 18, 2013

More Decks by Andrew Godwin

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Easy to change Don't need to be strict Lock-free ALTER

  2. hstore Key/Value store as a column type id title data

    1 Object One model → "4563-a" 2 Smaller One model → "4563-a" scale → 0.43 3 Another One model → "874-b" scale → 2 engraving → "TEST"
  3. hstore example CREATE EXTENSION hstore; CREATE TABLE widgets (id int,

    title text, data hstore); INSERT INTO widgets (id, text, data) VALUES (1, 'Object One', 'model => "8973-b", scale => 2'); SELECT * FROM widgets WHERE data->'scale' = '2'; id | title | data ----+------------+--------------------------------- 1 | Object One | "model"=>"8973-b", "scale"=>"2"
  4. hstore example SELECT title, data->'model' AS model FROM widgets WHERE

    data ?| ARRAY['model', 'diagram']; title | model ------------+-------- Object One | 8973-b CREATE INDEX ON widgets USING gin (data); CREATE INDEX ON widgets ((data->'scale'));
  5. json Structured JSON as a column type id title data

    1 My Sofa {"colour": "brown"} 2 Your Sofa {"color"; "red", "weight": 2.6} 3 Their Sofa {"color": "blue", "weight": 0.8, "size": [4.5, 2.1, 1]}
  6. json example CREATE TABLE sofas (id int, title text, data

    json); INSERT INTO sofas (id, title, data) VALUES (1, 'My Sofa', '{"colour": "brown", "size": [3, 4, 5]}'); SELECT title, data->>'colour' AS colour FROM sofas WHERE data->>'colour' = 'brown'; title | colour ---------+-------- My Sofa | brown
  7. json example SELECT title, data->'size'->>0 AS length FROM sofas; title

    | length ---------+-------- My Sofa | 3 CREATE INDEX ON sofas ((data->>'colour'));
  8. Example CREATE FUNCTION add_rating(id int, rating int) RETURNS float AS

    $$ var data = plv8.execute("SELECT count, total, average FROM ratings WHERE id = $1", [id])[0]; var newTotal = data.total + rating; var newCount = data.count + 1; var newAverage = (newTotal / newCount); plv8.execute("UPDATE ratings SET count = $1, total = $2, average = $3 WHERE id = $4", [newCount, newTotal, newAverage, id]); return newAverage; $$ LANGUAGE plv8; CREATE TABLE ratings (id int, count int, total int, average float);
  9. Example INSERT INTO ratings VALUES (1, 0, 0, 0); SELECT

    add_rating(1, 5); add_rating ------------ 5 SELECT add_rating(1, 4); add_rating ------------ 4.5
  10. Why? No round trips between SELECT/UPDATE Separates logic from storage

    Don't need to install language on client Language choice Encapsulation Speed
  11. Why not? Need tool to handle updating code No interactivity

    apart from SQL console Debugging Versioning
  12. Some things are too far... CREATE FUNCTION render_template(template text, context

    json) RETURNS text AS $$ import json from jinja2 import Template tinstance = Template(template) return tinstance.render(json.loads(context)) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; SELECT render_template('hello {{name}}', '{"name": "world"}'); render_template ----------------- hello world
  13. Lock-free ALTER TABLE Only certain actions, including: ∙ Adding a

    column with NULL ∙ Dropping a column ∙ Converting very similar types (varchar → text)
  14. CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ∙ Slower, but doesn't lock ∙ Not

    allowed inside transactions ∙ Can leave unfinished indexes in error cases
  15. Hybrid Schemas id title data 1 An Article text →

    "Article text" layout → "3-col" slug an-article common, indexed freeform, changed in bulk
  16. Schema Schemaless Faster querying Data integrity Slightly too easy to

    JOIN Faster prototyping Cleaner for sparse data Encourages messy code