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Agile Teams: Key Roles & Skillsets

Chris Basham
October 08, 2014

Agile Teams: Key Roles & Skillsets

Presented at Statewide IT 2014 with Tara Bazler.

Many enterprise development teams are transitioning to the Agile Scrum methodology to address the challenges of developing high quality, modern web applications. Learn how Kuali Student integrated UX designers and UI developers to handle these intricacies, and discuss communities of practice, modern and future front-end interfaces, and user expectations.

Recording: https://connect.iu.edu/p93vvypy6fw/

Presenter notes: https://speakerdeck.com/basham/agile-teams-key-roles-and-skillsets-with-notes

Chris Basham

October 08, 2014

More Decks by Chris Basham

Other Decks in Design


  1. Desktop   Laptop   Phone   Tablet
 TV   Game

     console   E-­‐reader   D E V I C E S   W I T H   B ROW S E R S
  2. Keyboard   Mouse   Screen  readers
 Touch   Gesture  

    Voice T Y P E S   O F   B ROW S E R   I N T E R AC T I O N
  3. ConnecRvity   Contacts   BaTery  status
 Ambient  light   Proximity

      Camera U P CO M I N G   D E V I C E   C A PA B I L I T I E S
  4. “The  fact  is  that  we  can’t   absolutely  rely  on

     the   availability  of  any  specific   technology  when  it  comes  to   delivering  a  Web  experience.” —Aaron  Gustafson,  A  Fundamental  Disconnect
  5. 1  Product  Owner.   1  Scrum  Master.   5–9  team

     members.   ! Teams  are  a  blend  of  all  talents   needed  to  develop  a  product.
  6. Teams  have  authority  to  do   what  is  needed  to

     complete   sprint  goals,  within  project   guidelines.
  7. UX  designers  research  the   needs  &  expectaRons  of  users.

      ! Create  interface  designs.   ! Evaluate  &  opRmize  task  flow.
  8. “…empower  your  designer  with  the   maximum  amount  of  agency

     to  do   their  job  well.  No  one  tells  the   accountant  how  to  do  their  job,  but   I’ve  been  in  a  hundred  workplaces   where  people  told  the  designer  how   to  do  theirs.” —Mike  Monteiro,  Before  You  Hire  Designers
  9. UI  developers  build  everything   that  is  sent  to  the

     browser.   ! Aligns  with  experienRal  vision   as  imagined  by  designers.
  10. “It  is  your  mission  to  get  your  content  out,  

    on  whichever  plahorm,  in  whichever   format  your  audience  wants  to  consume  it.   Your  users  get  to  decide  how,  when,  and   where  they  want  to  read  your  content.  It  is   your  challenge  and  your  responsibility  to   deliver  a  good  experience  to  them.” —Karen  McGrane,  Your  Content,  Now  Mobile
  11. A digital product or service looks and works coherently across

    devices. Features are optimized for specific device characteristics and usage scenarios. Coherence Pa>erns  for  Mul?screen  Strategies CO H E R E N C E   PAT T E R N
  12. CO H E R E N C E   PAT

    T E R N Evernote
  13. • • • Devices are always in sync. Syncronization Pa>erns

     for  Mul?screen  Strategies SY N C   PAT T E R N
  14. SY N C   PAT T E R N Audible

     Whispersync  for  Voice
  15. CO M P L E M E N TA RY

      PAT T E R N Scrabble  for  iPad
  16. A  virtual  team  of  people   in  the  same  role

        with  similar  experRse     across  a  number  of  teams W H AT   I S   I T ?
  17. Tara  Bazler         @taranoba   Chris  Basham

        @chrisbasham   P RO C E S S   E X P E R I E N C E  A RC H I T EC T U R E   ·∙   U I T S 
 S TAT E W I D E   I T 
 O C TO B E R   2 0 1 4