organisations 1840s – 1930s Machine language (mechanical instructions) Ada Lovelace Charles Babbage Alonzo Church 1940s Assembly language John Mauchly 1950s FORTRAN, LISP, COBOL Alick Glennie University of Manchester IBM Grace Hopper 1960s B, APL, BASIC Bell Labs
a low- level language Code executed directly High-level compiled language Java Usually implemented in a low- level language Code compiled into bytecode Low-level language C, C++, FORTRAN Compilers implemented in a low-level language (often the language itself) Assembly language Per specific computer architecture, e.g. Arm, Intel Machine language Hardware
/ ActionScript (V2) Python print Interpreted C (and others, including Python) Ruby puts Interpreted C JavaScript console.log Interpreted C++ Bash echo Interpreted C Perl print Interpreted C Java System.out.println Compiled C++ (JVM) C printf Compiled C / C++ C++ cout Compiled C / C++
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