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Designing For Utility

Ben Peck
October 13, 2015

Designing For Utility

Is design art? Is art design? What makes “Interaction Design” different than just “Design”? One of the differences is what we call wire-framing. People do this in a myriad of different ways. Some sketch, some digitize it but no matter which way its done its a step the process that sets Interaction Design apart from Design or Art. The purpose of wire-framing is…come and find out. I’ll walk through what I’ve learned.

Ben Peck

October 13, 2015

More Decks by Ben Peck

Other Decks in Design


  1. #DesignForUtility @ B E N P E C K •

    @ F R O N T • @ P D A U TA H
  2. S T U D E N T S F I

    G H T I N G F O R U X uxd.byu.edu • @byuuxd
  3. S O F T WA R E T H AT

    M A K E S P E O P L E S M A RT E R www.instructure.com • @instructure
  4. T H E C O N F E R E

    N C E F O R U X + P M www.frontutah.com • @frontutah
  5. # D E S I G N F O R

    U T I L I T Y 1. Art 2. Design 3. Interaction Design Investigate Involve Imagine Iterate Illustrate Interface Interact Implement 8I
  6. # D E S I G N F O R

    U T I L I T Y 1. Art 2. Design 3. Interaction Design Imagine Iterate Illustrate 3I
  7. A RT ART: (noun) the expression or application of human

    creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  8. D E S I G N DESIGN: (noun) a specification

    of an object, manifested by some agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to some constraints.
  9. “Design is the method of putting form and content together.

    Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.” - Paul Rand
  10. I N T E R A C T I O

    N D E S I G N The practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services with the main focus being on behavior.
  11. U T I L I T Y The state of

    being useful, profitable, or beneficial. 
 To the user and creators.
  12. I M A G I N E ( M A

    P ) Imagine Iterate Illustrate 3I
  13. I T E R AT E ( D R A

    W ) h t t p : / / w w w. s m a s h i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m / 2 0 1 1 / 1 2 / t h e - m e s s y - a r t - o f - u x - s k e t c h i n g / Imagine Iterate Illustrate 3I
  14. I L L U S T R AT E (

    W I R E ) Imagine Iterate Illustrate 3I
  15. “Design is not just what it looks like and feels

    like. Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs
  16. “[Interaction] Design is not just what it looks like and

    feels like. [Interaction] Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs
  17. T H A N K S @ B E N

    P E C K • @ F R O N T • @ P D A U TA H