| © 2018 Australian Strategic Services Pty Ltd Customer-centric Governance, Cashflow-centric Governance…Customers Are King, Cashflow Is Queen Principle 9: Customer-centric Business Model & Strategies u Co-designing and implementing a customer-centric business model and associated strategies should propel the development and growth of individualised or customised services or products. u Such an approach is pivotal in the journey of transforming the organisation, re-engineering the business model and reinventing the culture of an organisation. ACFI, Home Care, Public Trustee, Tenders & Grants B2C: Eg: Deferred Mgt Fees, Fee-for Service, Rental Income, Other Market Channels: E g: Donations, Sponsorships, Clinical Placement, Co ntracts, Joint Ventures G2B: Eg: State & C’wlth Govern ments, Primary Health Networks, Aged, Wellness & Retired Peo ple, Residential & Home Care, Fundraising, Bequests, Parnter ships, Alliances, Joint Ventures B2B: Eg: Brokerage, Partner ships, Private Health Insurance, Improving The Health, Lifestyle & Wellbeing Of People Who Are Ageing With Emerging Or Actual Chronic Or Complex Health Challenges Ageing People People Transitioning Peo ple with Dementia People With Chron ic/ Complex Health People Rehabilitating End of Life People Palliating Or Reside ntial Care Services Retirement Living Services Allied, Primary Health & Medical Services Allied, Primary Health & Medical Services © ASSPL Home Care Services Lifestyle Living & Supp ort Services Pr ofessional Development Progra m R egistered Training Organisatio n Partnership Project Chief Executive Officer, Executives & Managers Board of Directors Managers, Staff & Volunteers Example Business Model ”create a new business model for a new paradigm; an old business model cannot operate in a new paradigm”