ENTER ENGAGE EXIT EXTEND ACTIVITIES Heard about the organisation Heard about the NFP from a friend and then checked the social media pos;ng of the organisa;on. Interested to learn more and decided to contribute Became a follower in social media and at the same ;me asked the friend’s experience with the NFP. Obtained good feedback about the NFP and decided to contribute. Did the contribution Selected the dona;on program to contribute and sent the dona;on. Exited from the contribution experience Received thank you email and where applicable personalised portal access to check dona;on usage and the child’s educa;on progress. Received clues to continue the relationship Receive periodic updates about the supported program. Receive birthday gree;ng every year. TOUCHPOINTS • Word-of-mouth • Social media • Website • NFP staff • Social media • Bank transfer • Digital charity pla[orm • Thank you email • Portal access • Quarterly newsle?er • Birthday gree;ng • Event sharing via messenger app THOUGHTS & FEELINGS Impressed, Curious Inconvenient, Doub[ul Hopeful, Enthusias;c Overwhelmed, Frustrated Confident, Happy, Proud Upset, Uncertain, Frustrated Relieved, Happy, Proud Confused, Distracted Certain, Forward Looking Discouraged, Overwhelmed, Bored PAIN POINTS (coming from negative thoughts and feelings) The latest update about the NFP was not available in my favourite social media; Was this NFP worth my ;me checking. Too much informa;on; Website incompa;bility with my mobile device; No ;me to email my concerns to the NFP. Amount in the dona;on op;on did not suit my condi;on; Bank transfer fee – par;cularly int’l transfer was expensive; No ;me to open a PC and donate via the digital pla[orm. No ;me to open a PC to see the progress from the portal; But I wanted to know if I was making a difference. Too busy and no ;me to see update about the NFP; Most updates were generic, I had no appe;te to follow up. OPPORTUNITIE S Increase presence in major social media pla[orms; Emphasise the NFP’s unique posi;oning in the communica;on. Simplify the website naviga;on menu; Enable mobile browsing; Provide ask-me number for people to ask ques;ons about the NFP. Provide more flexibility on the dona;on op;on (amount); Provide PayPal transfer op;on; Create a mobile app for easier dona;on process. Make the portal mobile friendly; Periodically send a personal update about the sponsored child via email, including personal messages from the child to the donor. Segment the donor based on interests; Provide segment based update and NFP event invita;on via email and messenger app. Donor Experience Map for an Education NFP (Example)