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Cultivating Architecture with Principles

Cultivating Architecture with Principles

Many organizations today strive to establish autonomous development teams who can move as independently of each other as possible. The goal is to achieve speed, scalability, and empowerment. The bigger you get, the less central decision making will work, because a central group just cannot know enough to make good decisions.

You have to decide what architecture governance looks like in such a decentralized setup and how to avoid chaos. And you have to know how to walk the line between hard rules and helpful guidance. One way to create a shared understanding of what architecture means in your particular organization is to introduce architecture principles and use them to guide all the teams’ decision making toward common goals.

The presentation explores different ways of creating and phrasing principles, outlines what you need in place around principles to make them practical and effective, and some lessons from a few organizations where I've seen principles in action.

Birgitta Boeckeler

November 06, 2019

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  2. manipulate control rule restrain guide serve as deciding principle have

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  3. guide serve as deciding principle have decisive influence Exert a

    determining or guiding influence rule to govern
  4. Accessibility Auditability Availability Compliance Configurability Data integrity Distributability Extensibility Internationalization

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  5. https://www.slideshare.net/EoinWoods1/using-software-architecture-principles-in-practice “A declarative statement made with the intention of guiding

    architectural design decisions in order to achieve one or more qualities of a system.” - Eoin Woods Architecture Principles
  6. http://engineering-principles.onejl.uk/ “A declarative statement made with the intention of guiding

    architectural design decisions in order to achieve one or more qualities of a system.”
  7. http://engineering-principles.onejl.uk/ http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf8-doc/arch/chap29.html in order to achieve one or more qualities

    of a system. made with the intention of guiding architectural design decisions A declarative statement
  8. Authorizations are role-based Eliminate integration databases Do ongoing user research

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  10. Goals What’s holding us back today? What’s moving us forward

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  11. Promising, experimenting with this on one or more teams TRIAL

    Neal Ford, “Using the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar to track governance” Proven to work within this enterprise, well supported ADOPT Evaluating for potential experiments, under active research ASSESS Deprecated, don't start new projects using this HOLD Level of guidance
  12. Autonomy Trust Voice Westrum Organizational Culture Software Delivery Performance Organizational

    Performance Forsgren et al, State of DevOps Report 2018 https://cloudplatformonline.com/2018-state-of-devops.html predictive relationship Retrospectives Climate for Learning
  13. guide serve as deciding principle have decisive influence Exert a

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